Follow guide for the master meteorological data file. This is a data preparation process for inputting to EddyPro. Check out the guide and walkthrough the steps in the documentation. If there is any findings or problems, record it so we can discuss or ask a question.
If all the steps were successfully performed without any problem, and the output spreadsheet is identical to the one in the guide, the task can be closed
Using a week's data(7/1/20 to 7/7/20) from FLUXSB_EC.8.dat.backup file. Keep data for 6/30/20 23:30 timestamp and 7/8/20 0:00 timestamp in the file as it is needed for further processing.
Deleted the file metadata (first row), tower metadata (second row), and units. The file will now have column name and data only.
Sync timestamps as mentioned in 2. Note
created another column to check if the timestamps are 30min apart. Used python timedelta function
Insert a blank row where the timedelta function does not return 30. Use .loc function to insert a blank row at the row index.
Follow guide for the master meteorological data file. This is a data preparation process for inputting to EddyPro. Check out the guide and walkthrough the steps in the documentation. If there is any findings or problems, record it so we can discuss or ask a question.
If all the steps were successfully performed without any problem, and the output spreadsheet is identical to the one in the guide, the task can be closed