Currently, the model is storing ins_lengths, ins_weights, del_lengths, del_weights.
I have implemented a new struct called DiscreteDistribution in simple_rng. This takes a list of weights and returns a random index in the list based on those weights. This struct needs to be updated to use DiscreteDistribution. We want to still store the del_lengths and ins_lengths features. We want to change the in ins_weights and del_weights to ins_distr and del_distr, and create a DiscreteDistribution object with the weights as inputs.
Currently, the model is storing ins_lengths, ins_weights, del_lengths, del_weights.
I have implemented a new struct called DiscreteDistribution in simple_rng. This takes a list of weights and returns a random index in the list based on those weights. This struct needs to be updated to use DiscreteDistribution. We want to still store the del_lengths and ins_lengths features. We want to change the in ins_weights and del_weights to ins_distr and del_distr, and create a DiscreteDistribution object with the weights as inputs.