Closed danielsan80 closed 2 years ago
I'd like to set a formatting preference on cascade transformations.
Generally I use this style:
render() color("red") rotate([0,45,0]) translate([20,20,20]) cube([10,10,10]) color("green") translate([10,10,10] sphere(r=10);
becaouse is more readable (for me) in the native editor.
BUT the autoformatter applies this style:
that is nicer in PhpStorm but less readable in the native editor.
Added a field "Indent cascading transformations" in Settings menu -> Editor -> Code style -> OpenSCAD -> Tabs and Indents.
Will be released in version 2.2.0 coming soon.
I'd like to set a formatting preference on cascade transformations.
Generally I use this style:
becaouse is more readable (for me) in the native editor.
BUT the autoformatter applies this style:
that is nicer in PhpStorm but less readable in the native editor.