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Summer Temp Tool: Color Ramp Suggestion #26

Closed hadinon closed 8 years ago

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Maybe remove the green color in the Projected Change color ramp since green could be associated with good? (MEDIUM PRIORITY)

daviswx commented 8 years ago

A new Projected Change color ramp is in place for the Summer Temperature tool. This one removes the green color and goes from yellow → orange → red → purple → pink.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

One more suggestion for the Summer Temperature tool:

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Also, if possible, add some more variation to the Historical/Projected Average color ramp. Some maps (e.g., end-of-century multi-model mean) appear as a solid color, which could be confusing.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Quick clarification: I believe the above comment was applicable to the Summer Temperature tool's Projected Change color ramp, not the Historical/Projected Average one (see below for center map in solid red):


daviswx commented 8 years ago

I have updated the logic for setting the y-axis bounds on the time series. Previously, I was using a fixed additive of +5 units on top of the highest value, which was causing some Summer Temperature plots to go up to +30°F even when the highest values were less than +20°F.

Now, I am adding 5% of the difference between the max and min values. This seems to limit the Summer Temperature time series to +20°F while still leaving room for the labels.

The Summer Precipitation tool should also be improved, although strangely, I can't seem to scale it to every 5 inches. It always wants to show at least -10 inches to +10 inches. I don't think that's a problem for this tool, so I probably won't keep investigating it unless this crops up again.

I will work on getting an updated color ramp in place with more variation for the Summer Temperature tool's Projected Change display.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

The Summer Temperature tool's Projected Change color ramp has been updated. The differences are subtle and the middle map at the end of the century still appears mostly red, but there is at least a bit more gradient in the colors.


At the moment, I'm investigating one other sorta-bug with this tool. The labels on the map and time series appear as 80°F instead of 80°F, so I need to get them to recognize the degree symbol. Unfortunately, I can't just copy and paste that degree symbol into my code because it causes some other funky formatting things on the page.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

After a cursory investigation, I'm not sure that there is an easy solution to getting the degree symbol to show up in the map and time series labels without causing a cascading set of unwanted effects elsewhere, so for now I have just removed the degree symbol and I'm showing the labels as "80 F".

That takes care of the Summer Temperature tool suggestions, so if everything looks alright to you, feel free to close this issue.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

All looks/sounds good to me! Just one quick question which may or may not be related to this. The time series is currently not working for the Minimum Temperature Thresholds tool. Is that because you are working on that code right now or is it somehow related to the changes mentioned in this thread?

daviswx commented 8 years ago

I have been renaming and reorganizing some files on the back end, so that's why it was broken. It should be working again now.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Yes, it is working so I'm closing this issue. Go Team!