ncsco / pinemap-dss-help

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DSS overview landing page #41

Closed hadinon closed 8 years ago

hadinon commented 8 years ago


daviswx commented 8 years ago

The first six suggestions have been implemented on the main DSS landing page.

I have some questions about the other suggestions and this landing page in general:

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Here are my responses...

1) With regards to the menus, topics, and tools, they seems intuitive to me so I'm good with the way it is currently. What were your ideas for pointing out the menus, topics, and tools? 2) For the Climate Data tab.... yes, maybe try blurring the edges a bit? Or, we could highlight the zoom buttons and/or Map Help icon by labeling them on the image, which would make it obvious that it is not the tool itself or maybe that's more appropriate for the Map Layout tab? Another option would be to add a label to the map that says some basics about the MACA data, e.g. downscaled output from 20 climate models, ~6km spatial resolution, etc. Thoughts? 3) Yes, I agree about not having this super specific to any particular type of tool. 4) Agreed. I think repetition is good :) 5) Hmmm yes good point. Could we use this space as an opportunity to talk about how these do not show model error but instead, the range of likely future outcomes?

hadinon commented 8 years ago

For the Climate Data tab, what if we did something like this? The banner could say "Climate Data" and then the subtitle say, "DSS tools use a state of the art downscaled climate dataset called Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA)". Thoughts? image (screenshot from

daviswx commented 8 years ago
  1. (Structure tab) Here's a sample version with annotations added for the menus, topics, and tools. menu_structure_hl
  2. (Climate Data tab) I thought of a couple different ideas. Version A: maca_data_v2a Version B: maca_data_v2b My concern with using the "Climate Maps" example you mentioned is that we're not using a banner and subtitle on any other landing page images.
  3. (Map Layout tab) I will work on the wording so it's not specific to any one tool. I will also update the image for this tab.
  4. (Time Series tab) Yes this might be a good place to discuss what the "error bars" actually represent.
hadinon commented 8 years ago

1) Ahh I see what you mean now by pointing out the menus, topics, and tools. I like your example. Another idea is to label the image with (a), (b), (c) similar to what you did for the time series tab on the climate-related tool-specific landing pages. 2) Version A is my favorite. I agree with your concern about the "Climate Maps" example. 3) and 4) Sounds good.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

More suggestions based on our discussion:

daviswx commented 8 years ago

All of these changes have now been implemented, and the wording and images on the DSS Overview landing page have been updated. Please advise whether any other changes are needed. Otherwise I think we can close this issue.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

At first, I hit CTRL-F5 and the images did not update on the Climate Data, Three-Map Layout, and Time Series tabs. However, after I cleared my browsing data, everything looks to be updated so I'll go ahead and close this!