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Calculate historical ranges and add them to time series plots #51

Closed daviswx closed 8 years ago

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Once the ranges of historical variability are calculated, add them (as whiskers?) to the time series plots and add horizontal lines across the time series corresponding to these ranges.

Here's an example of adding horizontal lines in Highcharts:

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Once this is implemented, add a historical avg tooltip to timeseries legend.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Quick update on this -- all historical avg +/- 2 standard deviations maps have been generated for:

Summer Precip maps are being generated for this and should be done today.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Suggestions from today's meeting about implementing the historical standard deviation maps:

daviswx commented 8 years ago

The new map title style and wording for the historical display is now in place.

The Extreme Min Temp tool has the standard deviation side maps working. I will get those added in for the other tools.

After that, I will add the historical error bars to the time series.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

The Summer Temperature and Summer Precipitation tools now have the historical standard deviation maps added in as well.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Looks good! A few comments:

1) Should we adjust the titles on the maps and time series? A new map title is easier for me to brainstorm and could be: "Historical Observed Number of Days Per Year with Minimum Temperatures <32F". For me, the time series title is tougher to rename because the projected values shown are averages but the historical values shown are not (or will not be, since they are coming soon) all averages. Thoughts?

2) I'm sure you are waiting to update the time series legend title but wanted to give a quick reminder about changing that to, "Historical Observed" (instead of "Historical Average").

3) Have you updated the functionality for the location selection to return the correct values for each map? Currently, it appears that the same value is being populated on all 3 maps. I remember this was one of the last items implemented during the development of one of the tools so if you're just not there yet that's totally fine.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Good point about the title wording. For all of the climate tools' map titles, I'm fine with saying "Historical Observed [XYZ]". For the time series titles, part of me thinks we could get away with keeping the titles as-is ("Average [XYZ]") since the historical average is shown on there, and the projections are for the change in the average. The fact that the range of historical variability is also shown can be noted in the legend.

Also, thinking ahead to when we add the model error, that could complicate the title wording even more if we wanted to be really pedantic about saying exactly what is being shown, so IMO keeping it simpler is better. Maybe we can discuss this at the PINEMAP meeting today.

Speaking of that legend wording, yes, it is on my to-do list. What should this wording say? "Historical Observed"? "Historical Variability"? And should there be a tooltip next to it with additional explanation?

Also, the historical error bar in the time series isn't yet dynamic, but I'm working on that now. I'll try to have it working before today's meeting.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

For the record, wanted to write an update based on our conversation at last week's PINEMAP meeting: 1) yes, keep wording "as is" on the time series titles and note the range (or would it be spread?) of historical variability in the legend tooltip 2) change legend wording to say, "Historical Observed" and add a tooltip

daviswx commented 8 years ago

I think everything is now updated to show the historical ranges. Here is what I have changed for the climate risk tools:

I think that takes care of everything related to the historical ranges, but we may want to review all 3 tools to make sure they seem to be working correctly. If all looks good, we can close out this issue and I will commit these changes and pull them down on the public DSS site.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Updates all sound good.

OK, so I know why we're doing this but I just wanted to point out that it may be potentially confusing to a user to have the time series labeled as Historical Average (when you hover over) and the center map labeled as Historical Observed (see below screenshot). I know that users should understand that these are the same but I'm not 100% sure they will make the connection. So, would you be opposed to changing the center map title back to Historical Average to match the verbiage in the time series?


daviswx commented 8 years ago

I was thinking the same thing as I was updating the time series. Yes, I agree that the center map should be titled "Historical Average". I just made that change on the climate risk tools.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Perfect, thanks. Let me take a more detailed look at all 3 tools to make sure they're working properly. Then, it is probably ready to push to public!

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Hmmm looks like the "whiskers" are still showing up on this time series plot. Thoughts? image

daviswx commented 8 years ago

I just noticed that as well and made a quick change that should fix it (for the Projected Change plots, I'm just setting the upper/lower bounds both to zero). Let me know if you're still seeing this.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Yep, looks like it went away! I'll keep checking :smile:

hadinon commented 8 years ago

OK, this is a ridiculous, extreme case (who the heck in FL would look at a threshold of 15F) but the whiskers don't appear in this example because the lowest likely observed is 0.0 which makes sense but are you OK with it not showing up in that case? Also, I just noticed that the lowest likely observed map is not labeled with a 0.0 days. Thoughts?


daviswx commented 8 years ago

For values near zero, or very close to the historical average, I think it's fine if the error bars aren't actually visible. The only way around this, I think, would be to remove the thicker blue bar entirely, and even then, the error bars would probably be a single blip at 0, so I'm not sure if that would add any extra information.

This does make me think of another question, though. Should we add labels on the whiskers to actually show the values on the upper and lower ends of the range? Currently, we're just labeling the historical average, but I think it might be useful to see the extremes, too.

This could again be a problem when the range of values is really small. As an example, pretty much everywhere on the Summer Temperature has a pretty narrow range, so the top label might overlap with the historical average one.


I'm fine if we want to hold off on making a decision about that and just leave things as-is for now.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Hmmm yes, agreed. Let's plan to bring these two items up with Ryan at our PINEMAP meeting today.

Are you able to add a label to the left map (Lowest Likely Observed) for the above example to say 0.0?

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Ohhh I think the problem is the value is negative. Hmmmmm I'm not sure how you would handle that because aren't there also -999's sometimes and we wouldn't want those to be labeled, right?

daviswx commented 8 years ago

I'll look into it and try to get it fixed. In my OPeNDAP calls, I am setting negative values to zero, so it's probably just ignoring the zero value because it thinks it's null or something.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

That example with northern Florida in the Extreme Min Temp tool is working for me now. JavaScript was treating 0 values as undefined, but I found a workaround that checks the variable type (if it's 0, it still recognizes it as a number rather than a null/undefined variable).

I did notice that clicking in south Florida gives a message that complete time series data is unavailable. I think that's because all of the historical and future values are zero. I will check the code and see if I can add some similar statements so at least zero values show up on the map and in the time series.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Yes, it is fixed. However, I think I remember why you did that... so that the values over the ocean would not show up because now when I click over the ocean they show up. This is frustrating! :angry:

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Yes indeed. I'm running into that same issue trying to fix it. I'm sure I can work it out with some more time, but if we want to roll out the latest changes today, it may be best to leave it as it was for now (so spots over land with all zero values show up as invalid) and fix it later. I can create a separate issue about that with some more details.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Yep, that sounds like a good plan. Thanks!

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Just to summarize our remaining action items related to the historical ranges:

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Updates from today's meeting:

daviswx commented 8 years ago

These updates are done. I think those were our only remaining issues with the historical ranges, so I will close this issue. If I forgot something or if anything comes up later, feel free to re-open it.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

At today's meeting, we decided to turn off the historical ranges on the maps and time series and show only the historical average. This should remove any confusion with having the projections be just for the long-term average while the historical data captures more of the year-to-year variability.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

The historical side maps have been turned off. Should we change the menu and title to say "Historical Average" instead of "Historical Observed"? Historical observed is technically correct, but using the term "average" may better agree with the title "Projected Average".

I still need to remove the historical range from the time series, legend, and any references to it in the tooltips/FAQs.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

All references to the historical range/spread/variability and side maps should be gone at this point. Let me know if you notice any others.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Since we haven't found any other references to the historical side maps or bugs with them not being there anymore, I am closing this issue.