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Issue tracker for PINEMAP DSS
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Climate Model Explanations #63

Open hadinon opened 8 years ago

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Create a tiered approach to the explanations. The DSS Overview landing page and FAQ box could include very basic information, but add more detailed explanations in tooltips or on separate pages. On the Overview/Introduction page, link to new MACA FAQ website. Maybe create a slightly separate version with questions tailored to the DSS users? (MEDIUM PRIORITY)

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Maybe on the "Climate Data" tab of the DSS Overview page, add a bullet to say, "For more details on MACA, please click here" (or something similar) and have "here" linked to:

Would linking to the MACA FAQ site under "Other Resources" provide enough detail about this?

daviswx commented 8 years ago

I think linking to the FAQ page would provide sufficient detail. We also discussed creating a slightly different FAQ page just for the DSS that might focus less on data analysis and more on data interpretation. I can't remember exactly what we discussed that this might entail, but maybe we can brainstorm some ideas for what DSS users might want to know about the MACA data.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Here are some thoughts about how the FAQ page could be tailored to the DSS:

I can think of a few things that DSS users might want to know that the modelers wouldn't:

In some cases, it would just be a matter of adding extra information, possibly by expanding the paragraphs about GCMs and RCPs in the first tab into their own sections. In other cases, like with the historical variability one, we might not have that data available at the moment but we may still want to think about writing up an explanation.

Also, if you want, we could put your code for the FAQ page within the DSS template so it matches a bit better.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Add these details about future projections to the FAQ page (and link to FAQ page from the Climate Data tab on the Intro page):

hadinon commented 8 years ago

The new FAQ site for DSS users is available at: Note: we can change the URL later if necessary and/or put the finalized code into the DSS template.

I'm working on implementing the new questions. Like you mentioned, we don't have answers for some of them yet but we should soon.

Quick question about one of the new questions, "What are these 20 different climate models?": This information is covered comprehesively on MACA's website: Would it be OK to link to it or maybe I should iframe it? Thoughts?

hadinon commented 8 years ago

OK, update on this.... I decided to include some information about the 20 different GCMs and then link to more information. I have a few placeholders in there with "coming soon". :smile:

I believe I covered all your suggestions but I need to go through it one more time with a fine tooth comb. Let me know if you see anything that looks off. Otherwise, I will copy it over to the other server and we can add a link to it on the DSS.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Regarding the GCMs, I like the added section with details about them. You might also add a statement like "These models are run by universities and research institutions around the world. They all differ slightly in their resolutions, the components of the earth and atmosphere that are modeled, and the physics and chemistry schemes implemented in them."

Once you get the rest of the page updated, I can look over it in more detail as well.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

OK, everything is ready for your review. The only sections which I am unable to update right now are:

Once your review is finished and updates are made, additional action items include:

Side note: Katherine (MACA postdoc) is reviewing the original MACA FAQ website (created for PINEMAP modelers). Once things are finalized with this one, I can ask her to review this one, too.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Here are some suggestions:


What is MACA? How can I get more information about this method?

What are the 20 different global climate models included in the multi-model mean?

How are the future Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP's) created?

How are future changes and averages in the PINEMAP DSS calculated?

What does MACA climate model baseline data (1950-2005) represent?

Which observed climate dataset was used for the PINEMAP DSS?

Do global climate models show agreement with historical observations (which gives confidence in future data)?

For now, I'd comment out the two sections "Is the spread of historical conditions wider than the possibilities painted by future model output?" and "Which models generate the productivity outputs?" and add them back in once we have those answers ready.

Once we're happy with the text, it should be really easy to copy over the code and link it in.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

All of your changes (as well as a few of my own) have been implemented.

A note has been added to the "Do global climate models show agreement with historical observations?" about model error not being displayed yet within the DSS. Also, these two FAQs have been commented out for now based on your suggestion: "Is the spread of historical conditions wider than the possibilities painted by future model output?" and "Which models generate the productivity outputs?"

So, unless you want to quickly look it over one more time, the content is ready to migrate over to the DSS template. Then, maybe add a link to it from the Climate Data tab of the DSS Intro page on the dev site?

Lastly, I am going to update the other FAQ site (for modelers) based on some of your suggestions and then I will send a reminder email to Katherine to review the original FAQ and ask her if she would like to review the DSS one, too.

Anything else you can think of?

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Just one small wording question: In the first section title, is "method" the correct word to describe MACA? Or should it be something like "dataset" instead?

I migrated the FAQ to the dev site:

One small thing I changed was shrinking the PDF image and aligning it to the right of the text. I realized that I couldn't fit the image and the explanation on my screen at the same time, and I thought it was probably best if you could see them both.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Yep, agreed about the small wording change. It has been fixed. I also changed a few other minor wordings here and there. Can you copy over the script again to the dev site?

Also, yes, the new PDF size and placement looks good to me. Thanks!

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Yes it's been copied over.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks. One minor change: in the PDF section, can you change it to say, "see figure on the right" instead of "below"?

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Now that all those changes have been made, I wanted to make a quick action items list (to be completed post-break!):

Please feel free to comment with any other items.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

Post-break update:

hadinon commented 8 years ago
hadinon commented 8 years ago

I probably need to revisit the action items here soon. In the meantime, at our meeting with Ryan yesterday, we talked about adding a FAQ about how to reference/cite the DSS. What do we want a citation to look like? Here's how some comparable tools handle a citation FAQ:

IMO, Climate Wizard's approach fits better with the DSS. We don't have a publication to link to yet so I like the idea of using the contents similar to what Climate Wizard has on their "About Us" page, such as: "The data and information presented in this web site are subject to the conditions stated below. Data may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-commercial purposes. When referring to the data, the source must be clearly and prominently stated, and include at a minimum, our name, URL. Use the citations for appropriate data in the manner below: [insert list of data sources including MACA, METDATA, and maybe regional modeling outputs? we could start with MACA and METDATA.]"

I envision providing an example citation in APA format, like this: PINEMAP Decision Support System. (2015, December). Retrieved [insert today's date], from


daviswx commented 8 years ago

That sounds fine to me. I actually like their full "About Us" page, so I wonder if we might want to create something similar. It might have:

I'm thinking we could rename the DSS Development page to DSS Change Log, and move the development info onto this separate About the DSS page.

hadinon commented 8 years ago

PINEMAP Decision Support System version X.X. (2015, December). Retrieved [insert today's date], from

daviswx commented 8 years ago

In today's meeting, we discussed adapting the DSS Development page to include the same information as the proposed About the DSS page, in addition to keeping the change log (in a smaller, scrollable box).

This page would also include the sample citation (listed above) for the DSS, automatically filled in with the current date and the latest DSS version.

Should this citation be tool-specific? And if so, should it be included somewhere on each tool?

hadinon commented 8 years ago

Below is the guidance that I sent to the person inquiring about a DSS citation:

"Here is an example citation for the DSS in APA format:

PINEMAP Decision Support System, version X.X. (2015, December). Retrieved [insert date here], from

Please feel free to adjust the order of wording and/or punctuation within the citation if you are using a format other than APA (e.g., MLA, Chicago).

In order to fill in the version number, please consult this page: The latest version is 1.3 so you'll likely use that but I wasn't sure if you had accessed/used the data prior to that date.

Also, I just wanted to give a heads up that the DSS URL may be changing soon to something simpler, such as"

hadinon commented 8 years ago

I don't think the citation would need to be tool specific, but we could carve out a section at the bottom of each tool if we did want to go that route. Thoughts?

Looking over my notes from the meeting, I also wrote down that we could move information about data sources/links on the DSS Intro --> Climate Data tab to the DSS development section. I'll post more about what to keep within the Climate Data tab in issue #93.

daviswx commented 8 years ago

I can see a benefit for putting a citation at the bottom of each tool, beneath the Other Resources section. Once we finalize the citation format and the updated DSS Development/About the DSS page, I will work on adding that in.