I had included "JavascriptComponent.h" in c++, and did some easy thing like this:
// JSActor is a BP actor, which already has a UJavascriptComponent attached.
UJavascriptComponent* JsCom = StaticCast<UJavascriptComponent*>(JSActor->GetComponentByClass(UJavascriptComponent::StaticClass()));
The Unreal Editor will get crash every time when I 'Build' the code (from VS).
I'm using Unreal 4.22.3 and UnrealJS 0.3.6 (which would be the currently latest version I think)
Hi. heyzxz.
I checked how that is defined in cpp and found UJavascriptComponent class is defined by "BlueprintType" in uclass.
... it better use that in blueprint system.
I had included "JavascriptComponent.h" in c++, and did some easy thing like this:
The Unreal Editor will get crash every time when I 'Build' the code (from VS).
I'm using Unreal 4.22.3 and UnrealJS 0.3.6 (which would be the currently latest version I think)
The Crash report shows below:
FYI: It looks similar with this issue: https://github.com/ncsoft/Unreal.js/issues/86 , but with different crash reports.