ncss-tech / ISSR-800

Intermediate Scale Soil Raster (data) prepared on an 800m grid.
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conditional use of CEC and ECEC as a function of pH #17

Closed dylanbeaudette closed 2 years ago

dylanbeaudette commented 6 years ago

NASIS calculations (component data) make the switch from CEC -> ECEC at pH <= 5.5. These data should condition "CEC" on pH for each component record that is considered.

If the rv pH (in water) is greater than 5.5 or gypsum or calcium carbonate are not low, then CEC is calculated; if the rv pH is less than or equal 5.5 (and soluble salts are low) then ECEC is calculated for a horizon. Low soluble salts are defined as caco3 < 0.05% and gypsum < 0.05%.

For example: current CEC 0-25cm, note the blank spaces: image

dylanbeaudette commented 5 years ago

Where might this be an issue:


CECIL is a nice place to start, but it looks like CEC7 and ECEC are populated for many of these components.

select cokey, hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, cec7_r, ecec_r, ph1to1h2o_r 
FROM ssurgo.chorizon 
where cokey = '16755449' 
order by hzdept_r;

  cokey   | hzname | hzdept_r | hzdepb_r | cec7_r | ecec_r | ph1to1h2o_r
 16755449 | A      |        0 |       15 |    2.1 |    1.6 |         5.3
 16755449 | Bt     |       15 |      107 |    5.7 |    4.9 |           5
 16755449 | BC     |      107 |      203 |    3.7 |    3.6 |           5

O horizons:

select mukey, compname, cokey, hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, cec7_r, ecec_r, ph1to1h2o_r 
FROM ssurgo.chorizon 
JOIN ssurgo.component USING (cokey) 
WHERE cec7_r IS NULL AND ph1to1h2o_r <= 5.5  
ORDER BY hzdept_r 
LIMIT 1000;
  mukey  |         compname         |  cokey   | hzname | hzdept_r | hzdepb_r | cec7_r | ecec_r | ph1to1h2o_r
 76998   | Nard                     | 15923387 | Oi     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 76669   | Nard                     | 15923493 | Oi     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 76788   | Naxing                   | 15923285 | Oi     |        0 |        5 |        |     25 |           5
 76982   | Tekison                  | 15923381 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 77170   | Cliffdell                | 15923425 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 76665   | Nard                     | 15923490 | Oi     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 74189   | Everett                  | 15923169 | Oi     |        0 |        3 |        |     35 |         4.5
 76718   | Saydab                   | 15923282 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 76848   | Cliffdell                | 15923349 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 76975   | Tekison                  | 15923373 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 77104   | Stirrup                  | 15923407 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 77153   | Ainsley                  | 15923421 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 77247   | Osborn                   | 15923436 | Oi     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 76660   | Kladnick                 | 15923485 | Oe     |        0 |        3 |        |     25 |           5
 74186   | Indianola                | 15923156 | Oi     |        0 |        3 |        |     35 |         4.5

Anything other than O horizons:

-- flag components missing CEC7
select DISTINCT compname
FROM ssurgo.component
JOIN  ssurgo.chorizon USING (cokey) 
AND ph1to1h2o_r <= 5.5 
AND compkind IN ('Series', 'Family', 'Taxon above family');

select mukey, compname, cokey, hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, cec7_r, ecec_r, ph1to1h2o_r 
FROM ssurgo.component
JOIN missing_cec7 USING (compname)
JOIN  ssurgo.chorizon USING (cokey)
LIMIT 1000;

 mukey  |                  compname                   |  cokey   |   hzname   | hzdept_r | hzdepb_r | cec7_r | ecec_r | ph1to1h2o_r
 2858643 | Winnemucca                                  | 17037171 | Oe         |        0 |        4 |        |   36.4 |           5
 117007  | Tate                                        | 16154891 | A          |        0 |        8 |        |   11.2 |         5.5
 117007  | Tate                                        | 16154891 | E          |        8 |       15 |        |    4.1 |         5.5
 117007  | Tate                                        | 16154891 | Bt1        |       15 |       38 |        |    5.8 |         5.5
 117007  | Tate                                        | 16154891 | Bt2        |       38 |       66 |        |    6.5 |         5.5
 117007  | Tate                                        | 16154891 | Bt3        |       66 |      127 |        |    5.8 |         5.5
 117007  | Tate                                        | 16154891 | BC         |      127 |      203 |        |    3.2 |         5.5
22833  | Cumberland                                  | 16710809 | H1         |        0 |       10 |        |    6.2 |         5.3
 522833  | Cumberland                                  | 16710809 | H2         |       10 |       20 |        |    7.4 |         5.3
 522833  | Cumberland                                  | 16710809 | H3         |       20 |      152 |        |    5.9 |         5.3
 1895710 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544473 | Bt1        |       18 |       53 |        |    7.8 |           5
 1895710 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544473 | Bt2        |       53 |       76 |        |    2.2 |         5.2
 1895711 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544558 | BE         |        8 |       18 |        |    5.7 |         4.6
 1895711 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544558 | Cr         |       76 |      203 |        |        |
 1895711 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544558 | Bt1        |       18 |       53 |        |    7.8 |           5
 1895711 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544558 | Ap         |        0 |        8 |        |   15.6 |         4.5
 1895711 | Fruithurst                                  | 16544558 | Bt2        |       53 |       76 |        |    2.2 |         5.2
 1413684 | Guyton                                      | 16669645 | A          |        0 |       13 |        |    4.2 |         4.6
 1413684 | Guyton                                      | 16669645 | Eg         |       13 |       76 |        |   10.4 |         4.6
 1413684 | Guyton                                      | 16669645 | Btg/E      |       76 |      137 |        |    9.5 |         4.6
 1413684 | Guyton                                      | 16669645 | Btg        |      137 |      203 |        |   10.1 |         4.6