ncss-tech / ISSR-800

Intermediate Scale Soil Raster (data) prepared on an 800m grid.
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estimate missing dbovendry_r from dbthirdbar_r #19

Closed dylanbeaudette closed 5 years ago

dylanbeaudette commented 5 years ago

This is most important for O horizons.

select cokey, compname, compkind, comppct_r, om_r, caco3_r, dbovendry_r, dbthirdbar_r, hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r 
JOIN ssurgo.chorizon 
USING (cokey) 
WHERE hzname ~~ 'O' ;

Do we even need to estimate? Perhaps use 1/3 bar Db for OM calculations as in these SDA notes on the topic.

dylanbeaudette commented 5 years ago

Using 1/3 bar Db now.