ncss-tech / ISSR-800

Intermediate Scale Soil Raster (data) prepared on an 800m grid.
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water storage with cell values equal to zero #27

Open brownag opened 2 years ago

brownag commented 2 years ago

There are a handful of pixels in the "water_storage.tif" ISSR-800 raster ( that have a value of zero. Is this expected?

It appears that these areas often coincide with miscellaneous land types or complexes dominated by miscellaneous areas. However some of the points appear to intersect soil mapunits. There are about 1500 pixels at 800m x 800m resolution corresponding to about 100 mukeys.

#> Warning: package 'terra' was built under R version 4.1.2
#> terra version 1.5.2

# download.file("", destfile = "water_storage.tif")
awc <- rast("E:/Geodata/NSM/water_storage.tif")

# create a data.frame of cells with value == 0
awcpt <-
eqtozero <- subset(awcpt, water_storage == 0)

# get locations
locs <- xyFromCell(awc, as.numeric(rownames(eqtozero)))
eqtozero <- cbind(eqtozero, locs)

# how many examples do we want to see?
#> [1] 1500

# convert to long/lat
v <- project(vect(eqtozero, geom = c("x", "y"), crs = "EPSG:5070"), "EPSG:4326")

# SDA query (SSURGO)
  coords = c("x", "y"),
  crs = 4326
#>      mukey
#> 1    67364
#> 2    67722
#> 3    68119
#> 4    76626
#> 5    95023
#> 6    95282
#> 7   106420
#> 8   153259
#> 9   153267
#> 10  160924
#> 11  281307
#> 12  281323
#> 13  281765
#> 14  284670
#> 15  331632
#> 16  381784
#> 17  381868
#> 18  383380
#> 19  383912
#> 20  384368
#> 21  455982
#> 22  455983
#> 23  455984
#> 24  455985
#> 25  455992
#> 26  455993
#> 27  455994
#> 28  455996
#> 29  456001
#> 30  456715
#> 31  457838
#> 32  457905
#> 33  458601
#> 34  458827
#> 35  459265
#> 36  459862
#> 37  460363
#> 38  460919
#> 39  461930
#> 40  462277
#> 41  462438
#> 42  462440
#> 43  463640
#> 44  463874
#> 45  463889
#> 46  463910
#> 47  463911
#> 48  463912
#> 49  463922
#> 50  463942
#> 51  463945
#> 52  463976
#> 53  463977
#> 54  464041
#> 55  464050
#> 56  464057
#> 57  471666
#> 58  496586
#> 59  496622
#> 60  497032
#> 61  497817
#> 62  498050
#> 63  498080
#> 64  498083
#> 65  498295
#> 66  498491
#> 67  505200
#> 68  505206
#> 69  507554
#> 70  509545
#> 71  533966
#> 72  534118
#> 73  542802
#> 74  571715
#> 75  571774
#> 76  623467
#> 77  737665
#> 78  753250
#> 79  763015
#> 80  893137
#> 81 1543360
#> 82 1590712
#> 83 1602816
#> 84 1611291
#> 85 1611293
#> 86 1650335
#> 87 1677315
#> 88 1882927
#> 89 1907087
#> 90 2511961
#> 91 2600446
#> 92 2658563
#> 93 2777249
#> 94 2809148
#> 95 2822430
#> 96 2924631
#> 97 3176943
#> 98 3236831
#>                                                                           muname
#> 1                                                           Glaciers, snowfields
#> 2                          Rock outcrop-Rubble land-Glaciers, snowfields complex
#> 3                                                                          Water
#> 4  Rock outcrop-Rubble land-Glaciers, icefields complex, 30 to 90 percent slopes
#> 5                                                                        Badland
#> 6                                                                       Badlands
#> 7                                                                   Pits, borrow
#> 8                                              Cryaquolls-Cryofibrists complex *
#> 9         Aquic Cryoborolls-Aquic Cryoboralfs complex, 30 to 70 percent slopes *
#> 10                                                                         Water
#> 11                                                                     Rock land
#> 12                                                                         Water
#> 13                                                                         Water
#> 14                                                                    Urban land
#> 15                                                                         Water
#> 16                                                                         Water
#> 17                                                                         Water
#> 18                                                                         Water
#> 19                                                                         Water
#> 20                                                                    Urban land
#> 21                                Orthents, cut and fill, 0 to 15 percent slopes
#> 22                               Orthents, cut and fill, 15 to 75 percent slopes
#> 23              Orthents, cut and fill-Urban land complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes
#> 24             Orthents, cut and fill-Urban land complex, 5 to 75 percent slopes
#> 25                                                                    Urban land
#> 26              Urban land-Orthents, cut and fill complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes
#> 27             Urban land-Orthents, cut and fill complex, 5 to 75 percent slopes
#> 28                 Urban land-Orthents, smoothed complex, 5 to 50 percent slopes
#> 29                                                                         Water
#> 30                                                                         Water
#> 31                                                                  Gullied land
#> 32                                                             Rough broken land
#> 33                                                Colluvial land, volcanic rocks
#> 34                                                     Rock land, volcanic rocks
#> 35                                                                     Rock land
#> 36                                                                     Rock land
#> 37                                                                         Water
#> 38                                                                      Rockland
#> 39                            Orthents-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes
#> 40                                                          Serpentine rock land
#> 41                                                                     Rock land
#> 42                                                         Sedimentary rock land
#> 43                                                         Xerofluvents, flooded
#> 44                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 45                                Torriorthents-Rock outcrop complex, very steep
#> 46                                               Xeric Torriorthents, very steep
#> 47                                                           Xerolls, very steep
#> 48                                      Xerolls-Rock outcrop complex, very steep
#> 49                                                                       BADLAND
#> 50                                                                     DUNE LAND
#> 51                                         GULLIED LAND-HAPLOXERALFS ASSOCIATION
#> 52                                                                     RIVERWASH
#> 54                                    Lithic Torripsamments-Rock outcrop complex
#> 55                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 56                                            Torriorthents-Rock outcrop complex
#> 57                                        Rock outcrop, 30 to 100 percent slopes
#> 58                                                                       Badland
#> 59                                                                  Gullied land
#> 60                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 61                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 62                                                                       Badland
#> 63                                             Rockland, 15 to 60 percent slopes
#> 64                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 65                                                                Dumps and Pits
#> 66                                                           Rock outcrop, steep
#> 67                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 68                                                                   Rubble land
#> 69                                              Rock outcrop-Rubble land complex
#> 70                                                           Rock outcrop, shale
#> 71                                            Urban land, 0 to 15 percent slopes
#> 72                                                                         Water
#> 73                                                                         Water
#> 74                                                                         Water
#> 75                                                                         Water
#> 76                                                                         Water
#> 77                                                                  Rock outcrop
#> 78                                                                    Urban land
#> 79                                         Cirque land, 40 to 150 percent slopes
#> 80                                                                         Water
#> 81                           Novato clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes, tidally flooded
#> 82                                                                         Water
#> 83                                                                         Water
#> 84                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 85                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 86                                                                         Water
#> 87                                                                         Water
#> 88  Novato silty clay loam, excessive salinity, 0 to 1 percent slopes, protected
#> 89                                 Novato clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes, protected
#> 90                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 91                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 92                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 93                     Rock outcrop, metamorphic crags, 30 to 100 percent slopes
#> 94                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 95                                                     No Digital Data Available
#> 96                       Typic Cryorthents, metamorphic, 30 to 90 percent slopes
#> 97                                                     Rock outcrop, cirque land
#> 98                                                     No Digital Data Available
dylanbeaudette commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Can confirm that large expanse of "0" in SF Bay Peninsula (CA689) has a lot of urban area MU with components using AWC of 0 in the component data.


Need to investigate San Jose (CA641).

A large swath of "Rock Land" in Yolo County (CA113) is using a component with AWC = 0. Why!?

Will investigate regions on NV next. Also some strangeness in TX.

This might be a good soil survey update project.