ncss-tech / ISSR-800

Intermediate Scale Soil Raster (data) prepared on an 800m grid.
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most important properties / classes / interpretations #6

Open dylanbeaudette opened 6 years ago

dylanbeaudette commented 6 years ago

Some feedback from Steve Campbell

The Hydrologic Soil Group is the number one interpretation / property requested on WSS. This has consistently been the case for many years. In order to determine the hydrologic soil group from modeled soil maps, the following soil properties would need to be predicted:

Web Soil Survey
Usage of Reports - includes reports with 500 or more requests

Report Created:    10/3/2017 3:43:51 PM

Start Date:  7/1/2017

End Date:   9/30/2017

State/Territory:  All States and Territories

Soil Reports    Count
Engineering Properties  11,430
Physical Soil Properties    9848
Map Unit Description (Brief, Generated) 6826
Soil Features   5660
Hydric Soil List - All Components   4032
Map Unit Description    3753
Chemical Soil Properties    3732
Hydrologic Soil Group and Surface Runoff    3255
Forestland Productivity 2969
Water Features  2815
Hydric Soils    2454
RUSLE2 Related Attributes   2273
Land Capability Classification  2076
Dwellings and Small Commercial Buildings    2009
Particle Size and Coarse Fragments  1826
Prime and other Important Farmlands 1542
Conservation Planning   1345
Taxonomic Classification of the Soils   1301
Roads and Streets, Shallow Excavations, and Lawns and Landscaping   1023
Rangeland and Forest Vegetation Classification, Productivity, and Plant Composition 1010
Component Legend    922
Soil Health - Organic Matter    922
Map Unit Description (Brief)    900
Survey Area Data Summary    894
Rangeland Productivity and Plant Composition    793
Soil Locations  767
Legend  757
Component Text Descriptions 756
Sewage Disposal 725
Nonirrigated Yields by Map Unit Component   703
Soil Health - Bulk Density and Texture  702
Nonirrigated Yields by Map Unit 657
Ponds and Embankments   610
Rangeland Productivity  591