ncss-tech / SoilTaxonomy

A System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys
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Add 13th edition Keys taxonomic codes #41

Closed brownag closed 1 year ago

brownag commented 1 year ago

For item 1 in #40

The 13th edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy introduces the following new taxa and codes. These are not yet available in the NASIS metadata.

taxon code
Thapto-Humic Fibristels AACC
Limnic Hemistels AADB
Thapto-Humic Hemistels AADD
Limnic Sapristels AAEB
Thapto-Humic Sapristels AAED
Thapto-Humic Historthels ACAC
Thapto-Humic Aquorthels ACBI
Thapto-Humic Haplorthels ACHC
Terric Frasiwassists BBAA
Terric Sulfiwassists BBBA
Terric Haplowassists BBCB
Lithic Sulfisaprists BDBA
Thapto-Humic Aquicambids GGAG
Thapto-Humic Haplocambids GGCQ
Thapto-Humic Cryaquolls IBAH
Thapto-Humic Epiaquolls IBFI
Thapto-Humic Endoaquolls IBGJ
Fluventic Haplogelolls IDAG
Pachic Haplogelolls IDAH
Thapto-Humic Haplocryolls IEFG
Thapto-Humic Haploxerolls IFFL
Thapto-Humic Haplustolls IGGS
Thapto-Humic Calciudolls IHBE
Thapto-Humic Hapludolls IHFJ
Densiaquepts KAE
Aeric Densiaquepts KAEA
Humic Densiaquepts KAEB
Typic Densiaquepts KAEC
Thapto-Humic Gelaquepts KAFD
Limnic Cryaquepts KAGF
Thapto-Humic Cryaquepts KAGH
Thapto-Humic Humaquepts KAID
Thapto-Humic Epiaquepts KAJC
Thapto-Humic Endoaquepts KAKE
Thapto-Humic Humigelepts KBAE
Thapto-Humic Dystrogelepts KBBD
Thapto-Humic Haplogelepts KBCD
Thapto-Humic Humicryepts KCAG
Thapto-Humic Dystrocryepts KCCG
Thapto-Humic Haplocryepts KCDI
Thapto-Humic Dystrustepts KDDG
Anthrodensic Haplustepts KDEI
Anthroportic Haplustepts KDEJ
Thapto-Humic Haplustepts KDEO
Thapto-Humic Humixerepts KECG
Thapto-Humic Dystroxerepts KEEG
Thapto-Humic Haploxerepts KEFM
Densiudepts KFD
Aquic Densiudepts KFDA
Humic Densiudepts KFDB
Typic Densiudepts KFDC
Thapto-Humic Humudepts KFEG
Thapto-Humic Eutrudepts KFFI
Anthrodensic Dystrudepts KFGD
Anthroportic Dystrudepts KFGE
Thapto-Humic Dystrudepts KFGK
Humic Fluic Frasiwassents LAAA
Humic Frasiwassents LAAB
Fluic Frasiwassents LAAC
Thapto-Humic Frasiwassents LAAG
Thapto-Humic Psammowassents LABC
Thapto-Humic Sulfiwassents LACD
Thapto-Humic Hydrowassents LADE
Thapto-Humic Fluviwassents LAED
Histic-Haplic Sulfaquents LBAA
Thapto-Humic Sulfaquents LBAE
Fluventic Sulfaquents LBAF
Thapto-Humic Hydraquents LBBD
Thapto-Histic Psammaquents LBEF
Thapto-Humic Psammaquents LBEG
Fluventic Psammaquents LBEH
Thapto-Humic Fluvaquents LBFD
brownag commented 1 year ago

Merging, will follow up on integration as other TODO items in #40