ncss-tech / soilReports

An R package that assists with the setup and operation of a collection of soil data summary, comparison, and evaluation reports. These reports are primarily used by USDA-NRCS soil scientists in both initial and update mapping.
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mu-comparison, MLRA-comparison: ordination upgrades #101

Open dylanbeaudette opened 5 years ago

dylanbeaudette commented 5 years ago

Currently, vegan::betadisper is used for the ordination, via principal coordinates. The figure is hand-made via scores and approximate KDE-estimated probability contours.


The default plot method for betadisper is interesting, and likely simpler to interpret when there are many groups / lots of overlap. The ellipse can be adjusted to any approximate probability contour.


plot(d.betadisper, hull=FALSE, ellipse=TRUE, col=cols)

vegan::metaMDS provides an alternative ordination, with additional functionality to overlay environmental variables or rotation of axes.


m <- metaMDS(d.sub[,], distance = 'gower')

o <- ordiplot(m, type='n', axes=FALSE)
points(o, 'sites', cex=1, col=cols[as.numeric(d.sub$.id)], pch=16)

ordisurf(m, d.sub$`Effective Precipitation (mm)`, add=TRUE, col='black')

# location / labeling of centroids must be done manually (?)
