ncssar / radiolog

SAR radio log program
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allow operator to disable flashing-red-reminder-popup if needed #700

Closed caver456 closed 7 months ago

caver456 commented 7 months ago

The flashing-red-reminder-popup works well if the Windows display settings are friendly. But, change of focus-on-mouse or raise-on-focus Windows display rules, either natively to Windows or with third-party tools, could make it wacky.

Example: the intent is only to raise the flashing red reminder popup to the top, but, this can also have the effect of raising the radiolog main window to the top. This is not a critical failure, but, can add confusion and is definitely not the intent.

So: let the operator disable the reminders entirely if needed, probably with a checkbox in the options dialog. Seems like the best wording is 'Show flashing red reminder above all windows when another program's window takes focus' or such, checked by default.

At the very least this should be a per-session setting. Should it be saved in the config file (per node)?