New probabilistic weather is determined by distribution parameters.
Load weather by its step into buffer for all simulation steps in chunk. Add weather from distribution.
Stochastic runs share deterministic weather (both value and data), but each has its own instance of probabilistic weather.
Use enum to check weather instead of a string.
Work with no weather as a default type (implicit) and skip correctly any action based on that.
Create schedules only after the weather is processed.
Environment is now a single source of truth for weather.
Make the weather optional (run function parameter is unresolved for probabilistic weather).
Specify range for number of runs (must be greater than 1).
Add stddev to data setup.
Add tests for probabilistic weather. Update core to normal+uniform with checks.
Update quarantine to not use suitable cells.
Update config for OpenMP in Makefile to GRASS GIS 8.3.
Move test weather data setup for later. In GRASS GIS 7.8, parallel creation of rasters does not work well in a new mapset (new versions have that fixed).
Use curly brackets for statement spreading several lines