ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
MIT License
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Parent Link wrong set... #121

Open ptesar-xyndata opened 8 years ago

ptesar-xyndata commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have problems having the right parent link.

router is : for Child (vendor) .state('edit vendor', { url: '/vendor/:vendorId/edit', templateUrl: 'vendor/views/edit.html', ncyBreadcrumb: { label: '{{vendorCompany}}', parent: 'portal by id' } })

for the Parent (portal) : .state('portal by id', { url: '/portal/:portalId', templateUrl: 'portal/views/view.html', ncyBreadcrumb: { label: '{{portalCompany}}', parent: 'all portal' }, resolve: { loggedin: checkLoggedin } })

In breadcrumb is shown everything OK : screen shot 2016-01-04 at 23 01 30

but the link is without the parent Id! I really do not know how to continue. Can someone help me?

It's common issue like here : #107

can someone help?

mateatslc commented 7 years ago

see if this can help: