ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
MIT License
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Dynamic label management #156

Open haddadr opened 8 years ago

haddadr commented 8 years ago

It will be better to have the possibility to manage the value of the label by a function defined in the route config like below: ncyBreadcrumb: { label: function ($scope) { if ($scope.suiteNumber){ return 'suite'; }else{ return 'room'; } }, parent: function ($scope) { return $scope.from || 'room'; } }

Then all the logic will be in the route config rather than in the controller. It will result in more readable and maintenable code in both route config and controller source files

bencpeters commented 7 years ago


My use case is that in my app some users view pages that belong to users where the label is dependent on context (e.g. an ancestor state might be "My Profile" vs. "Username Profile"). In cases like this, the parent argument resolves differently, but unless all child controllers are very standardized in how they handle certain $scope variables, it can be difficult to properly resolve this conditional just using angular templating in a label argument.

Shyam-Echidna commented 7 years ago


sebastienvermeille commented 7 years ago

Do you have a workaround for now ? I would like to display :

users > $username > profile <--- $username is returned from a resolve. It is really a must. Hope someone can implement it.

sebastienvermeille commented 7 years ago

Okay well for now I fixed it... (tricky) like that. Maybe it can help someone for now.

I wanted this feature: my controller can update the last breadcrumb label dinamically

1) In my breadcrumb template I setted an id to the last breadcrumb label : <span ncy-breadcrumb-last id="breadcrumb-last"></span>

2) Then in my controller I defined an updateBreadcrumb method : ` function updateBreadcrumb(){

     // Update dynamically the breadcrumb label for this
     // source:
     $state.current.ncyBreadcrumb = {
        label: vm.user.lastname + " " + vm.user.firstname
     var element = angular.element($('#breadcrumb-last'));

Hope this help someone. (We use this till we upgrade to angular2 so it's acceptable)