ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
MIT License
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Recursive State parent is not possible #162

Open amitgaur208 opened 8 years ago

amitgaur208 commented 8 years ago

I have a hierarchy of categories. Like: Clothing > Apparel > Printed >Customized etc. And I have created an state for category Detail like:

.state('root.categoryDetail', {
             url: '/categoryDetail/:slug',
             templateUrl: 'views/products/category-detail.html',
             controller: 'CategoryDtlCtrl',
             ncyBreadcrumb: {
                  label: '{{}}',
                  parent: function ($scope) {
                       //return $scope.no_parent ? 'root.home' : 'root.categoryDetail';

But I am not to make parent itself in ncyBreadcrumbParent.

I really want to use same state for all level categories with proper breadcrumb. Please help. If it's possible.