ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
MIT License
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Direct links & stateParams #169

Closed ptitdje45 closed 7 years ago

ptitdje45 commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

I'm having a little issue with breadcrumb.

function getStates() { return [ { state: 'dashboard.opportunites.opportunite', config: { url: '/{idOppo:idOppo}', views: { '@': { templateUrl: 'app/opportunites/opportunite/opportunite.html', controller: 'OpportuniteController', controllerAs: 'vm' } }, title: 'Opportunite', ncyBreadcrumb: { label: '{{$stateParams.idOppo}}' } } } ]; }

And when i direct link into the app like http://XXXXXXXXX/dev/build/home/opportunites/1611_209, i have my {{$stateParams.idOppo}} consoled which give '1611 209' ( i encode decode for the '_' )

Did i miss something ? Thx by advance

ptitdje45 commented 7 years ago

And when i start from the http://XXXXXXXXX/dev/build/ route, i got my 1611 209 in the breadcrumb. Else it's empty.

ptitdje45 commented 7 years ago

`angular .module('app.main') .run(appRun);

/ @ngInject / function appRun(routerHelper, $breadcrumb) {


Injecting $breadcrumb direct in my run solved the problem of refreshing.