ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
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bread crumb link goes to wrong url #64

Closed ansorensen closed 9 years ago

ansorensen commented 9 years ago

I'm using angular-breadcrumb with ui state router. I have anchor with ui-sref="", which becomes href="/page", and it works perfectly, taking me to http://localhost/app/#/page. However, the breadcrumb for only has href="/page", and it takes me to http://localhost/page, which 404s.

my state provider is

  .('root', {
    'abstract': true,
    'views': {...}
  .('app', {
    'abstract': true,
    parent: 'root',
    'views': {...},
    ncyBreadcrumb: {
      skip: true
.('app.home', {
    url: '/',
    views: {...}
    ncyBreadcrumb: {
      label: 'Home'.
      parent: 'app'
.('', {
    url: '/page',
    views: {...}
    ncyBreadcrumb: {
      label: 'Page'.
      parent: 'app'
.('child', {
    url: '/page/:childId',
    views: {...}
    ncyBreadcrumb: {
      label: '{{}}'.
      parent: ''

When I'm on the child page, and click the breadcrumb for (which has the same href as the main nav), I end up at the wrong URL. It looks like what UI Router takes as '/' is the root of the angular app ('http:/localhost/app/#/') but whereas breadcrumb interprets '/' as 'http:/localhost'. The latter is not even in my app.

ansorensen commented 9 years ago

works if I insert a # into the template anchor's href

<a ng-switch-when="false" href="#{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLink}}">{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLabel}}</a> 
migajek commented 9 years ago

same here, the funny thing is ui-sref links are pointing to the same url yet they're working properly, I end up with a # prefix when using ui-sref.

breadcrumb: no hash, doesn't work (ends up on ":8080/campaign/" which is incorrect) image

ui-sref: no hash, but it does work, ends up with ":8080/#campaign" image

ncuillery commented 9 years ago

That's curious.

Please what is your version of

jondthompson commented 9 years ago

The problem is that he's using hrefs in his links instead ui-srefs. I was just going to create an issue for this, but this'll do.

A touch more information. hrefs require a page reload to work, which if you don't have url rewriting setup will break url routing. ui-srefs don't require a reload, as it uses angular's normal route.

ncuillery commented 9 years ago

The values of hrefs are directly generated from the method $state.href(), the same used by the ui-sref directive.

@jondthompson I think you speak about the html5mode where hrefs don't include '#' and the whole application need url writing on the server side.

With html5mode disabled, navigation in AngularJS is based on anchors who don't need a reload with either href or ui-sref (the only purpose of this directive is to generated an url in a href attribute).

migajek commented 9 years ago

Angular 1.3.2 ui-router 0.2.11 latest breadcrumbs

both links have the exactly same href parameter ...

(breadcrumbs) image

(ui-sref) image

ncuillery commented 9 years ago

Please upgrade the ui-router to 0.2.12. There is a bug when using both Angular 1.3.2 and ui-router 0.2.11 (see

@ansorensen do you use ui-router 0.2.11 too ?

ansorensen commented 9 years ago

Was using 0.2.11, just updated to 0.2.13 and my issue was resolved.

jksenthilraja commented 8 years ago

I updated my UI-router to 0.2.13 and my issue was resolved.