ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
MIT License
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Breadcrumb label translations support #65

Open jamhall opened 9 years ago

jamhall commented 9 years ago


First of all, great module!

It would be nice if this module supported translations for the breadcrumbs labels.

It could be passed in as an extra option to enable it:

myAppModule.config(function($breadcrumbProvider) {
      translations: true

What are your thoughts?

I would happily implement it if you'd like... Of course I'd make sure that the dependency for the angular-translate module is optional.

ncuillery commented 9 years ago

I suppose you have in mind to translate the labels containing translate keys programmatically if the options is set to true, right ?

How about using a custom template like this ?

<ol class="breadcrumb">
  <li ng-repeat="step in steps" ng-class="{active: $last}" ng-switch="$last || !!step.abstract">
    <a ng-switch-when="false" href="{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLink}}">{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLabel | translate}}</a>
    <span ng-switch-when="true">{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLabel | translate}}</span>
andresalves commented 9 years ago

ncuillery. Very good

egel commented 9 years ago

I like this version of breadcrumbs template with support of translations (written in Jade):

  li(ng-repeat="step in steps | limitTo:(steps.length-1)")
    a(href="{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLink}}" ng-bind-html="step.ncyBreadcrumbLabel | translate")"step in steps | limitTo:-1")
    span(ng-bind-html="step.ncyBreadcrumbLabel | translate")
ncuillery commented 9 years ago

@jamhall I'm not very kind of this option. I prefer keep the API simple and let users making a custom template.

I think I'll make a FAQ wiki page. I keep the issue open to remember to add an entry for angular-translate integration.

jamhall commented 9 years ago

I'm happy with the solution offered above :-).


ncuillery commented 9 years ago

I keep the issue open to remember to add an entry for angular-translate integration.

So don't close it please ;-)

goliney commented 9 years ago

@ncuillery I tried custom template like you suggested, but it only works after I move to another state. On initial load my breadcrumbs are not translated. Any suggestions how to fix it?

GitYouss commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I was in the very same case as you did @goliney, I found this on Stack Overflow and it worked like a charm:

Basically (quoted from Stack Overflow):

Anything that goes on the scope shouldn't use gettextCatalog.getString.

Use something like this:

$rootScope.stepText = gettext("My step 1 title"); And in the view:

{{stepText | translate}}

arielcr commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

Nice solution! I was wondering what about variable replacement in translate filter. I've already tried passing some random text, and it works pretty fine, but I need is to specify a variable, not some static text, for example:

<a ng-switch-when="false" href="{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLink}}">{{step.ncyBreadcrumbLabel | translate:"{entity:variable}"}}</a>

I tried accessing a scope variable, but then I realized that I cannot access the rootScope or scope data inside .config. Maybe some provider that I can access in .config?

Has anybody run through this also?