ncuillery / angular-breadcrumb

Generate a breadcrumb from ui-router's states
MIT License
786 stars 183 forks source link

Dynamic amount of parents, subcategories #94

Closed marekpw closed 9 years ago

marekpw commented 9 years ago

I'm building simple community boards for my application. I'm encountering a problem right now, that is each forum category can have an unlimited amount of nested subcategories. My URLs would always look like this:

/forums/categories/1/category-slug, no matter which category they belong to, so that's not a problem.

I'd like to generate a dynamic breadcrumb tree based on the depth of a category, preferably in the state's controller.

Is this achievable?

ncuillery commented 9 years ago

This module is strongly coupled to the ui-router configuration. So the situation is simple: if you have a ui-router's state for each categories and nested subcategories, angular-breadcrumb will help you.

The only way to have a dynamic breadcrumb with angular-breadcrumb is to have a dynamic tree of ui-router's states (it's tricky but possible I think).

Don't hesitate to ask Stackoverflow, it is a better place to ask technical questions and get help, but you already know that right ? :stuck_out_tongue: