ndarville / jekyll-boilerplate

A (well, my) boilerplate for starting a webdesign project with the static-blog CMS Jekyll
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link

Continuous Integration #2

Open ndarville opened 10 years ago

ndarville commented 10 years ago

ndarville commented 10 years ago

htmlhint and jshint return an SSL-cert-validation error on installation, so I need to find an alternative.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Fixed the node.js crap, so jshint is working now. htmlhint seems borked, though.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

htmlhint has now been fixed by the developer, so it’s been enabled and working.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Maybe patching scss-lint will fix the problem.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

scss-lint now works after updating the versions and using the new linter names.

Travis doesn’t fail any builds with HTML/(S)CSS errors, however.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

This error on Travis seems broken:

Syntax error: Undefined variable: "$fontSize".
        on line 2 of static/css/_base.scss
  Use --trace for backtrace.