ndarville / ndarville.github.io

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Syntax-highlighting doesn’t show in production #7

Closed ndarville closed 10 years ago

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Dev: screen shot 2014-01-05 at 17 31 46

Production: screen shot 2014-01-05 at 17 32 00

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Trying to isolate the Ruby environment to track down the bug.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

After removing all gems (and installing nvm and updating Ruby), the syntax-highlighting is gone from dev:

$ rvm gemset empty
Warning! PATH is not properly set up, '/Users/darville/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin' is not at first place,
         usually this is caused by shell initialization files - check them for 'PATH=...' entries,
         it might also help to re-add RVM to your dotfiles: 'rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles',
         to fix temporarily in this shell session run: 'rvm use ruby-2.0.0-p247'.
Are you SURE you wish to remove the installed gems for /Users/darville/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247?
(anything other than 'yes' will cancel) > yes
installing gem /Users/darville/.rvm/gem-cache/gem-empty-1.0.0.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc.
Removing redcloth
Successfully uninstalled RedCloth-4.2.9
Successfully uninstalled actionmailer-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled actionpack-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled activemodel-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled activerecord-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled activeresource-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled activesupport-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled addressable-2.3.2
Successfully uninstalled arel-3.0.2
Successfully uninstalled backports-2.7.1
Successfully uninstalled blankslate-
Successfully uninstalled builder-3.0.4
Successfully uninstalled bundler-1.3.5
Successfully uninstalled chunky_png-1.2.8
Successfully uninstalled classifier-1.3.4
Successfully uninstalled classifier-1.3.3
Successfully uninstalled coderay-1.1.0
Removing coderay
Successfully uninstalled coderay-1.0.9
Successfully uninstalled coffee-rails-3.2.2
Successfully uninstalled coffee-script-2.2.0
Successfully uninstalled coffee-script-source-1.4.0
Successfully uninstalled colorator-0.1
Removing commander
Successfully uninstalled commander-4.1.5
Successfully uninstalled commonjs-0.2.6
Removing compass
Successfully uninstalled compass-0.12.2
Removing compass-validate
Successfully uninstalled compass-validator-3.0.1
Successfully uninstalled daemons-1.1.9
Removing dashing
Successfully uninstalled dashing-1.0.4
Removing dw
Successfully uninstalled directory_watcher-1.4.1
Successfully uninstalled eligible-1.0
Removing erubis
Successfully uninstalled erubis-2.7.0
Successfully uninstalled eventmachine-1.0.3
Successfully uninstalled execjs-1.4.0
Successfully uninstalled faraday-0.8.4
Successfully uninstalled faraday_middleware-0.9.0
Successfully uninstalled fast-stemmer-1.0.2
Successfully uninstalled ffi-1.9.3
Successfully uninstalled fssm-0.2.10
Successfully uninstalled gem-empty-1.0.0
Successfully uninstalled gh-0.9.1
Successfully uninstalled github-pages-4
Removing haml
Removing html2haml
Successfully uninstalled haml-3.1.7
Successfully uninstalled highline-1.6.20
Successfully uninstalled highline-1.6.19
Successfully uninstalled highline-1.6.15
Successfully uninstalled hike-1.2.1
Removing httparty
Successfully uninstalled httparty-0.11.0
Successfully uninstalled i18n-0.6.1
Successfully uninstalled jekyll-1.4.2
Successfully uninstalled jekyll-1.2.1
Removing jekyll
Successfully uninstalled jekyll-1.1.2
Successfully uninstalled journey-1.0.4
Successfully uninstalled jquery-rails-2.2.1
Successfully uninstalled json-1.7.7
Successfully uninstalled json-1.7.5
Successfully uninstalled kgio-2.8.0
Successfully uninstalled kramdown-1.3.1
Removing kramdown
Successfully uninstalled kramdown-1.0.2
Removing launchy
Successfully uninstalled launchy-2.1.2
Removing lessc
Successfully uninstalled less-2.2.2
Successfully uninstalled less-rails-2.2.6
Successfully uninstalled libv8-
Successfully uninstalled liquid-2.5.4
Successfully uninstalled liquid-2.5.2
Successfully uninstalled liquid-2.5.1
Successfully uninstalled listen-1.3.1
Removing localtunnel
Successfully uninstalled localtunnel-0.3
Successfully uninstalled mail-2.4.4
Successfully uninstalled maruku-0.7.0
Removing maruku
Removing marutex
Successfully uninstalled maruku-0.6.1
Successfully uninstalled method_source-0.8.1
Successfully uninstalled mime-types-1.21
Successfully uninstalled mongoid-3.1.1
Successfully uninstalled mongoid-3.1.0
Successfully uninstalled moped-1.4.2
Successfully uninstalled multi_json-1.6.0
Successfully uninstalled multi_json-1.5.0
Successfully uninstalled multi_xml-0.5.3
Successfully uninstalled multipart-post-1.1.5
Successfully uninstalled net-http-persistent-2.8
Successfully uninstalled net-http-pipeline-1.0.1
Successfully uninstalled net-ssh-2.6.1
Successfully uninstalled net-ssh-gateway-1.1.0
Successfully uninstalled netrc-0.7.7
Removing nokogiri
Successfully uninstalled nokogiri-1.5.9
Successfully uninstalled origin-1.0.11
Successfully uninstalled parslet-1.5.0
Successfully uninstalled polyglot-0.3.3
Successfully uninstalled posix-spawn-0.3.8
Removing posix-spawn-benchmark
Successfully uninstalled posix-spawn-0.3.6
Removing pry
Successfully uninstalled pry-0.9.12
Successfully uninstalled pygments.rb-0.5.4
Successfully uninstalled pygments.rb-0.5.2
Successfully uninstalled rack-1.5.2
Removing rackup
Successfully uninstalled rack-1.4.5
Successfully uninstalled rack-cache-1.2
Successfully uninstalled rack-protection-1.5.0
Successfully uninstalled rack-ssl-1.3.3
Successfully uninstalled rack-test-0.6.2
Successfully uninstalled rails-3.2.12
Removing rails
Successfully uninstalled railties-3.2.12
Successfully uninstalled raindrops-0.10.0
Successfully uninstalled rake-10.1.1
Successfully uninstalled rake-10.0.3
Successfully uninstalled rb-fsevent-0.9.4
Successfully uninstalled rb-inotify-0.9.3
Successfully uninstalled rb-kqueue-0.2.0
Removing rdiscount
Successfully uninstalled rdiscount-1.6.8
Removing rdoc
Removing ri
Successfully uninstalled rdoc-3.12.1
Successfully uninstalled redcarpet-2.3.0
Removing redcarpet
Successfully uninstalled redcarpet-2.2.2
Removing restclient
Successfully uninstalled rest-client-1.6.7
Successfully uninstalled rufus-scheduler-2.0.18
Successfully uninstalled safe_yaml-0.9.7
Successfully uninstalled safe_yaml-0.7.1
Removing sass
Removing sass-convert
Removing scss
Successfully uninstalled sass-3.2.5
Successfully uninstalled sass-rails-3.2.6
Successfully uninstalled sinatra-1.3.6
Successfully uninstalled sinatra-contrib-1.3.2
Successfully uninstalled slop-3.4.4
Successfully uninstalled snoop-0.9.2
Removing sprockets
Successfully uninstalled sprockets-2.2.2
Successfully uninstalled syntax-1.0.0
Removing terminal-notifier
Successfully uninstalled terminal-notifier-1.4.2
Removing therubyracer
Successfully uninstalled therubyracer-0.9.10
Removing thin
Successfully uninstalled thin-1.5.1
Removing rake2thor
Removing thor
Successfully uninstalled thor-0.17.0
Successfully uninstalled tilt-1.3.6
Removing tilt
Successfully uninstalled tilt-1.3.3
Successfully uninstalled toml-0.1.0
Successfully uninstalled travis-1.2.0
Removing travis
Successfully uninstalled travis-1.1.0
Removing tt
Successfully uninstalled treetop-1.4.12
Successfully uninstalled twitter-bootstrap-rails-2.2.3
Successfully uninstalled tzinfo-0.3.35
Successfully uninstalled uglifier-1.3.0
Removing unicorn
Removing unicorn_rails
Successfully uninstalled unicorn-4.6.0
Successfully uninstalled yajl-ruby-1.1.0
Removed successfully.
ndarville commented 10 years ago

Well, I guess the good news is that the discrepancy is gone.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Restoring the gems did not fix things on dev.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Newer versions of Jekyll will use Kramdown as the default Markdown parser, so it might be worth waiting it out.


parkr commented 10 years ago

@ndarville Is it specific to this one file? If so, which file?

ndarville commented 10 years ago

@parkr If you’re referring to the file that isn’t displaying the highlighting, it’s this one. The live version in production is here.

I haven’t been able to look at the problem for Friday-ish due to the Dropbox downtime. I also had some other things that need to be staged and pushed, when Dropbox sorts itself out, but I don’t see any of them affecting the highlighting.

parkr commented 10 years ago

@ndarville Ah, the triple back tick with syntax highlighting is not supported in Kramdown. In kramdown, you would need to use our highlight liquid tag:

{% highlight html %}
<!-- HTML -->
{% endhighlight %}

RedCarpet has support for the triple back ticks with syntax highlighting.

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Ah, I guess that’s it. It did work locally at one point with some of the installed Ruby gems, but if it’s not supported to use anything but the highlight tag, I’ll go with that. :)

I’ll make and push the changes, when Dropbox is up and working and close the issue accordingly.

Thanks for the help, @parkr.

parkr commented 10 years ago

My pleasure! And FWIW, Dropbox is up and working for me. :smile_cat:

ndarville commented 10 years ago

Fixed in b89ec83f12790b94e26e1ff9975fb466cffbcdc5. God damn Dropbox to hell.