ndarville / pony-forum

A modern alternative to ancient forum CMSes like vBulletin and PHPBB in Python on Django. (Alpha stage.) (NB: dotCloud have since removed their free Sandbox tier.)
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Log-in redirect does not work on registration branch on DotCloud #7

Closed ndarville closed 12 years ago

ndarville commented 12 years ago

Just throws me to the home view.

The user view doesn’t work when the user is not logged in, either.

ndarville commented 12 years ago

Still doesn’t work after merge.

The error manifests itself by directing to the wrong URL. Compare

/accounts/login/?next=/thread/1/reply/ vs. /?next=/thread/1/reply/

The top is the proper, working way present on local installation, while the bottom is the defunct, online instance.

The missing part, /accounts/login/, happens to be the LOGIN_URL variable defined. Perhaps the decorator doesn’t pass it along?

ndarville commented 12 years ago

The problem has resolved itself, presumably because it was caused by another, now fixed, issue.