ndeadly / MissionControl

Use controllers from other consoles natively on your Nintendo Switch via Bluetooth. No dongles or other external hardware neccessary.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Xbox One controllers suddenly no longer connecting #596

Open aegiswing opened 1 year ago

aegiswing commented 1 year ago

Switch Firmware Version

16.0.0 (Latest)

Atmosphère Version

1.5.0 (Latest)

Mission Control Version

0.9.0 (Latest)

Boot Method


Issue Description

I am on the right controller firmware (nonBLE) and it was actually working fine a few hours ago, didn't change anything, didn't even power off my console (just sleep mode), suddenly mission control doesn't like my Xbox One controllers but still takes a liking to my DS4, I tried 2 model 1708 Xbox One controllers both with nonBLE firmware and neither worked, I'm so confused, I tried rebooting my switch into atmosphere and nothing's changed, help would be greatly appreciated.

Error Report

No response

Additional Context

No response

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

If everything was working as you say, and the controllers are on the old firmware, then my best guess is that the controller configurations have become corrupted. Controllers are disconnected if the virtual controller memory file can't be read for any reason. Try deleting the /config/MissionControl/controllers directory and letting Mission Control rebuild everything.

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

I have same issue. Did try delete the folder and it worked in handheld mode. However when I put into the Dock, ít disconnect many times even after I deleted and reconnect.

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

Sometime, it even crash the switch and request restart with following message:

Panic occurred while running atmosphere. Title ID: 010000000000BD00 Error: DABRT < 0x101>

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

@mufanvn please provide the error report from the crash. The path to the report is shown beneath the generic error message you posted.

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

report_3034dbd6705.zip @ndeadly Here is the log.

I'm using Xbox One model 1708 with firmware rolled back to version 3.xxxx

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

@mufanvn this is a filesystem error related to reading the controller virtual memory file. In my experience these errors seem to be caused by corruption of the filesystem somehow. If you've already tried deleting /config/MissionControl/controllers, you may need to walk your way up from there. Try deleting /config/MissionControl/ and reinstalling the sysmodule to replace the directory. If that doesn't work you may even need to delete /config, though doing so may obviously nuke configuration files for other homebrew you may be using.

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

@ndeadly thank you. I deleted Mission control and reinstalled. It works stable in handheld mode. However when I put in to dock mode, the controller disconnects quickly. I tried reconnectting controller in dock mode. It only keeps the connection for a short range(~1m) in a round 30 seconds. When i move away from the Dock, input lag happens and then disconnected.

After 2-3 times trying, error occurs. I attached the log below report_1536183f9ad.zip

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

@mufanvn this sounds a little like wireless interference to me. Where have you got your dock sitting? Are there any other electronic devices nearby? (besides your tv, obviously). I'm not aware of anything in docked mode that should cause Bluetooth to behave differently.

I'll take a look at the error log later when I'm at a PC

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

@ndeadly thank you for your attention. Near my TV, it has a wifi repeater that may interfere with wireless signals. Let me try using dock mode at another location and get back later.

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

@ndeadly thank you for your attention. Near my TV, it has a wifi repeater that may interfere with wireless signals. Let me try using dock mode at another location and get back later.

Absolutely. Wifi also operates on 2.4GHz and would be near the top of my list of possible interference sources

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

After 2-3 times trying, error occurs. I attached the log below report_1536183f9ad.zip

This is the same error as before, by the way. Maybe the unexpected disconnects are causing the file to corrupt somehow. I will look into it.

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

@ndeadly I tried another place without wifi repeater near console. Only have my laptop nearby. And on another dock from Done vendor. This time it connect successful. However it very lag. Whenever I putsh a button, it takes 1-2 seconds to occur. Sometime it missed input and sometime it is overlap as multiple input even I only push 1 time. After play for around 15 minutes, it disconnects. I have to delete misson control and reinstall, then connect again. If I don't deleted, it does not detect controller.

P/s: The joy-con still works well in both environment.

ndeadly commented 1 year ago

@mufanvn you don't have atmosphere USB3.0 support enabled by any chance do you? It's just been brought to my attention that this can impact wireless connections in docked mode. If you're not sure you can post your /atmosphere/config/system_settings.ini file here (if it exists).

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

@ndeadly I'm not sure. I attach my system_settings.init system_settings.zip

mufanvn commented 1 year ago

I tried to change the usb30_force_enabled = u8!0x1 option to usb30_force_enabled = u8!0x0 but it's still not working. Issue is same: work good in handheld mode and disconnect in dock mode