Current version is using version 0.3.8 of lesspp.
Please update lessc.php to 0.3.9 version.
Lessphp, so also Less Compiler, is outputting a wrong percentage for fluid grid in bootstrap.
One can update mixins.less in Joomla! 3.0 for this to repair.
It's a variables scope issue in bootstrap.
Please see bugtracker of for this and the mixins.less replacement code.
Current version is using version 0.3.8 of lesspp. Please update lessc.php to 0.3.9 version.
Lessphp, so also Less Compiler, is outputting a wrong percentage for fluid grid in bootstrap. One can update mixins.less in Joomla! 3.0 for this to repair. It's a variables scope issue in bootstrap.
Please see bugtracker of for this and the mixins.less replacement code.