ndejong / pfsense_fauxapi

REST based API interface for pfSense 2.3.x and 2.4.x to facilitate devops
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config_reload not working #46

Open jullienl opened 5 years ago

jullienl commented 5 years ago

I use config_patch to change the content of an alias and it works great but the new configuration is not active in pFsense so I would like to use a config_reload request to activate my new configuration but config_reload does not work, the request is successful but the new pfsense config is not loaded.

pfsense 2.4.4.p3

I am using the following URI https://$pfsense/fauxapi/v1/?action=config_reload&__debug=true

The API request is successful as seen in the response:

StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {"callid":"5ce267915ba49","action":"config_reload","message":"ok","logs":[{"DEBUG":"20190520Z103841 :: fauxapi\\v1\\fauxApi::__call","DATA":{"user_action":"config_reload","callid":"5ce267915ba49","cli...
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
                    Connection: keep-alive
                    fauxapi-callid: 5ce267915ba49
                    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
                    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
                    Content-Type: applicat...
Forms             : {}
Headers           : {Server, Transfer-Encoding, Content-Type, Date...}
Images            : {}
InputFields       : {}
Links             : {}
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength  : 1302
PSComputerName    :xxxxxxxxxx

but nothing is logged in pfsense System Logs (despite the presence of debug=true, while config_patch is present) and my new config is not loaded.


Thanks for your help,

fahadalishah0102 commented 5 years ago

Hello jullienl,

I am using the same version but i am lil bit confuse how to use this ? I have done what ever describe on web but unable to execute it properly authetication failed can you please help me out.

jullienl commented 5 years ago

1/ Make sure you follow what is described in https://github.com/ndejong/pfsense_fauxapi#api-authentication 2/ Make sure your API key follows the rules in credentials.ini 3/ Enable debugging by using &__debug=true to your API call so that you get logs in pFsense / Status / System Logs. Those logs is the first place to go as they provide very useful information for troubleshooting.

jullienl commented 5 years ago

I don't know about your Pytest issue but for the HTTP request header, it is used for the API authentication so you need to build a valid HTTP header with the requested fauxapi-auth parameter, the value of fauxapi-auth must use the following format: <apikey>:<timestamp>:<nonce>:<hash>.

Then this header must be used with your CURL request like:

curl \
    -X GET \
    --silent \
    --insecure \
    --header "fauxapi-auth: PFFA4797d073:20161119Z144328:833a45d8:9c4f96ab042f5140386178618be1ae40adc68dd9fd6b158fb82c99f3aaa2bb55" \
ndejong commented 5 years ago

@jullienl thanks for assisting @fahadalishah5 - I've trimmed his comments to keep this ticket focused on your issue.

The latest release https://github.com/ndejong/pfsense_fauxapi/releases/tag/v1.3_4 does pass all tests against an earlier pfSense 2.4.4 - I notice you are running p3 which is probably the first place to start looking for me.

I wonder if you are easily able to test against an "earlier" 2.4.4 to confirm? Not essential but would just be helpful to know where to start tracking this down.

fahadalishah0102 commented 5 years ago

Thanks both of you guys appreciated :)

jullienl commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ndejong

I need to check if I can easily downgrade my pfsense without impacting too many things

ndejong commented 5 years ago

@jullienl were you able to resolve your issue here?

jullienl commented 5 years ago

No as I couldn’t downgrade my pfSense software

jullienl commented 4 years ago

Has this API issue been resolved in 2.4.5 or 2.5.0 ? I cannot find any fix reference in the Release Notes

fahadalishah0102 commented 4 years ago

I didn't check on it updated version and the project was also closed so i didn't check it further.

ndejong commented 4 years ago

@jullienl looking at your report again, FauxAPI was updated recently to v1.4 which may not (yet) address this issue.

Re-reading the description of the issue you have I'm wondering if what you are describing is that after the confg_reload your services have not picked up the new configuration(s) - is this the case or are you experiencing something else? The reason I ask is that there is a good chance an appropriate send_event will resolve this which might make sense to add into the config_reload by default

I know it's been a while but if you are still able to check it out and report back that would be awesome

jullienl commented 4 years ago

Yes this the case, my services did not pick up the new configuration while the API config_reload call was successful. Sadly I ended using a system reboot to active the new config:

# Reload the pfsense config to validate the patch config change   --- NOT WORKING !!!!
# $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$pfsense/fauxapi/v1/?action=config_reload&__debug=true" -Headers $headers -Method GET 

# Restarting pfsense instead to activate the new config
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$pfsense/fauxapi/v1/?action=system_reboot&__debug=true" -Headers $headers -Method GET 
Cliftonz commented 4 years ago

I am having the same issue too. Is there an eta on this fix?

akopylov-rdv commented 3 years ago

@ndejong @jullienl Hello! I have the same problem, using python pkg: pfsense-fauxapi:

pfs_config = api.config_get()
# Add new acl rule to forwarding backend in haproxy config
new_acl_item = {...}
pfs_config["installedpackages"]["haproxy"]["ha_backends"]["item"][0]["ha_acls"]["item"].insert(0, new_acl_item)

Tried to envoke

api.send_event("service restart haproxy")

It doesn't help. New configuration starts to work only if I go to Pfsense UI Services / HAProxy / Frontends and click "Save" configuration and apply it. Is any way to replay this actions with programming? Will you fix this problem?