ndenev / mpssh

Mass Parallel SSH
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No error report for wrong hostname or unable to ssh #15

Closed njia closed 9 years ago

njia commented 10 years ago

There is no indication of which host failed to run the command for whatever reason. I know there is -e option but that also prints out exit code for all good commands. It would be great if there is another section for hosts failed in the output.

ndenev commented 10 years ago

There should be output if we failed to ssh to a host for some reason:

[9:51][ndenev@macbook:mpssh]%./mpssh -v -f hosts.sample uname                     
Reading hosts from : hosts.sample
MPSSH - Mass Parallel Ssh Ver.1.4-dev
(c)2005-2013 Nikolay Denev <ndenev@gmail.com>

  [*] read (7) hosts from the list
  [*] executing "uname" as user "ndenev"
  [*] verbose mode enabled
  [*] spawning 7 parallel ssh sessions

 mgmt@ router1.datacenter1 => ssh: Could not resolve hostname router1.datacenter1: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
 mgmt@ router1.datacenter1 !!! ssh failure
 root@           localhost => Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
 root@           localhost !!! ssh failure
 mgmt@ router2.datacenter1 => ssh: Could not resolve hostname router2.datacenter1: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
 mgmt@ router2.datacenter1 !!! ssh failure
jboss@app-srv2.datacenter1 => ssh: Could not resolve hostname app-srv2.datacenter1: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
jboss@app-srv2.datacenter1 !!! ssh failure
jboss@app-srv1.datacenter1 => ssh: Could not resolve hostname app-srv1.datacenter1: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
jboss@app-srv1.datacenter1 !!! ssh failure
 mgmt@ router2.datacenter2 => ssh: Could not resolve hostname router2.datacenter2: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
 mgmt@ router2.datacenter2 !!! ssh failure
 mgmt@ router1.datacenter2 => ssh: Could not resolve hostname router1.datacenter2: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
 mgmt@ router1.datacenter2 !!! ssh failure

  Done. 7 hosts processed.