ndg63276 / alexa-sky-hd

A smart home skill for Alexa to control a Sky+HD or SkyQ box
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Question re 1) Radio channels beginning 0 and 2) Netflix #30

Closed darkbluedad closed 2 years ago

darkbluedad commented 2 years ago

1) I would like to set up something that would let me use the Radio Scotland channel (0116) on my SKY q box - On examining the Scene set up for Netflix I managed to edit the series of keystrokes to do this. I guess I just need to copy the relevant parts of the Lambda file to add a new scene with a different name (though I may just use the existing one edited given the problem highlighted in 2) below

2) I'm finding that apps aren't in a consistent position on the home screen so your Netflix/spotify/youtube scenes don't work consistently so i'm trying scrolling down to Apps (10 'down' ) a 'right' into the apps list and 4 downs to Entertainment but can't seem to get anywhere after the 10 downs. I have tried adding sleeps - is there a limit to adding commands?

darkbluedad commented 2 years ago

I have inserted two additional Scenes (after discovering the names need to be lower case!) to :-

  1. Change channel to 0116; and
  2. Wake the box up and change to channel 501.

Code snips below in case it is useful for someone

        "applianceId": "skyq-radioscotland",
        "manufacturerName": "Sky",
        "version": "1",
        "friendlyName": "RadioScotland",
        "description": "RadioScotland scene via Sky Q",
        "isReachable": True,
        "actions": [
        "cookie": {}
        "applianceId": "skyq-wakeup",
        "manufacturerName": "Sky",
        "version": "1",
        "friendlyName": "WakeUp",
        "description": "WakeUp scene via Sky Q",
        "isReachable": True,
        "actions": [
        "cookie": {}

        elif endpointId == "skyq-radioscotland":
            if request_name == "Activate":
                name = "ActivationStarted"
            if request_name == "Deactivate":
                name = "DeactivationStarted"
        elif endpointId == "skyq-wakeup":
            if request_name == "Activate":
                name = "ActivationStarted"
            if request_name == "Deactivate":
                name = "DeactivationStarted"