ndierckx / NOVOPlasty

NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller
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Assembledsubstr outside of string #165

Open leilanvieira opened 3 years ago

leilanvieira commented 3 years ago


I am performing some runs with the same dataset, varying only the k-mer (21-35). A specific error appears only when I set k-mer = 27: "assembledsubstr outside of string at \NOVOPlasty-master\NOVOPlasty4.3.pl line 11928.

Any clues about what might be happening? The others k-mer resulted in good and suitable contigs.


ndierckx commented 3 years ago


That is a bug, will upload a new version this week, it is easy to fix

But I am curious how it happened, could you run it again with extended log function set to 1 and send me that file?


leilanvieira commented 3 years ago


thank you for the prompt response. Please find attached the log files.


log_Bg_P7_F0199_83.txt log_extended_Bg_P7_F0199_83.txt

ndierckx commented 3 years ago


There was a bug in the variation detection module, I have neglected that option a bit.

Could you try version 4.3.1 that I uploaded?