ndierckx / NOVOPlasty

NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller
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Building Hash Table...Killed #200

Open Ekgachai opened 1 year ago

Ekgachai commented 1 year ago


I got this message "Building Hash Table...Killed" when I try to assembly animal mitogenome.

What does it mean?

Running with test dataset was worked well

Thank you very much

ndierckx commented 1 year ago


That means you run out of memory, you can use the max memory option, but make sure you don't put in all the memory your machine has, maybe 80% or so. If the assembly didn't work with the max memory option because of not enough data, best to run it on a bigger machine

cuetoluis commented 5 months ago

Same problem, "Building Hash Table...Killed". I do not think it is a memory problem or the power of the machine. I tried several powerful computers with high-quality sequences.

ndierckx commented 5 months ago

Have you tried the max memory option, because it don't know any other cause for this.. Are you running on a local computer or a HPC?

alexanderyesaya commented 4 months ago

Same problem, "Building Hash Table...Killed", although I am using an HPC

ndierckx commented 4 months ago

Have you tried the max memory option? HPC doesn't mean you have unlimited memory, how much did you request and how large is your dataset? I would recommend to always use the max memory option with large datasets because there is no need for massive amount of sequencing depth