ndierckx / NOVOPlasty

NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller
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NovoPlasty assembly either freezes or never ends #209

Open aubac opened 1 year ago

aubac commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to assemble rattlesnake genes on NovoPlasty. I have followed all the instructions. I run Novoplasty on the putty terminal on a PC. However it doesn't seem to work properly. Can you help?

Is my config file correct? (I have also tried with no input in the Max memory section but same result) config_file_647.txt

Let me know, thanks

ndierckx commented 1 year ago

Hi, most likely you run out of memory.. How much you have available? I saw you put down 15, but if you have a machine of 16, there won't be 15 available, maybe max 12, but try first with 10 to see if it works.

Also put down an insert size, doesn't need to be exact (probably around 500?) This is not the problem but illumina 300 bp used to have very low quality reads, not sure if they fixed the problem or not