ndierckx / NOVOPlasty

NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller
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The two input files are identical, please check the configuration file! #217

Open qiguaidedashan opened 6 months ago

qiguaidedashan commented 6 months ago

i have used the test data for novoplasty running, and it showed my input files are identical, but my input is different.please .Would you please help me answer it.my config.txt as follows. config_test_chloro.txt

ndierckx commented 6 months ago

Hi, maybe because you are using an old config file, try to use the latest one from github...

qiguaidedashan commented 6 months ago

i used the latest version to test, but still no

ndierckx commented 6 months ago

You should have a space behind the =, like in the original file, also what is the ~ symbol doing before the path of the seed file?