Open xiweiwu opened 1 year ago
Hi, Sorry for the late response, been away and a lot of work.. Can you send the config file you used then I will run it myself to see if I have a similar problem? Did the IDUP events pop up in the VCF file?
I do see IDUP events in the vcf file. However, the reads do not seem to contain any IDUP after alignment (no softclip or insertion found on IGV). Here is my config file.
Project name = hg38_CSV Reference = /net/nfs-irwrsrchnas01/labs/xwu/genome/hg38/hg38.fa Replace ambiguous nts(N) = Max threads = 8
VCF input = Foreign sequences =
Deletions = 1000 Length (bp) = 50-2000
Insertions = 1000 Length (bp) = 50-2000
Tandem duplications = 1000 Length (bp) = 50-2000 Copies = 1-5
Inversions = 1000 Length (bp) = 50-2000
Complex substitutions = 1000 Length (bp) = 50-2000
Inverted duplications = 1000 Length (bp) = 50-2000
Heterozygosity = 0.6
Sequencing depth = 10 Median length = 15000 Length range = 2500-35000 Accuracy = 98 Error profile = error_profile_PB_Sequel_CCS_hifi.txt
I tried to simulate 1000 Inverted Duplication (IDUP) events with PacBio reads using hg38 genome, but the reads do not seem to contain any such events. I aligned the reads with pbmm2, and can't see any abnormality at the simulated IDUP sites. I also simulated the same number of insertion, deletion, duplication, inversion, and CSUB events. These other SV events work without any issues. Please help.