print("Wellcome to quiz game !!")
print('NOTE: if your spelling is incorrect then it is considered as wrong answer')
score = 0
question_no = 0
playing = input('Do you want to play ? ').lower()
if playing == 'yes':
question_no += 1
ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does CPU stand for? ').lower()
if ques == 'central processing unit':
score +=1
print('correct! you got 1 point')
print(f'current answer is --> central processing unit')
question_no += 1
ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does GPU stand for? ').lower()
if ques == 'graphics processing unit':
score +=1
print('correct! you got 1 point')
print(f'current answer is --> graphics processing unit')
question_no += 1
ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does RAM stand for? ').lower()
if ques == 'random access memory':
score +=1
print('correct! you got 1 point')
print(f'current answer is --> random access memory')
question_no += 1
ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does PSU stand for? ').lower()
if ques == 'power supply unit':
score +=1
print('correct! you got 1 point')
print(f'current answer is --> power supply unit')
question_no += 1
ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does ROM stand for? ').lower()
if ques == 'read only memory':
score +=1
print('correct! you got 1 point')
print(f'current answer is --> read only memory')
print('thankyou you are out of a game.')
print(f'\nnumber of question is {question_no}')
print(f'your score is {score}')
percentage = (score *100)/question_no
except ZeroDivisionError:
print('0% quetions are correct')
print("Wellcome to quiz game !!") print('NOTE: if your spelling is incorrect then it is considered as wrong answer') score = 0 question_no = 0 playing = input('Do you want to play ? ').lower() if playing == 'yes': question_no += 1 ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does CPU stand for? ').lower() if ques == 'central processing unit': score +=1 print('correct! you got 1 point')
else: print('thankyou you are out of a game.') quit()
print(f'\nnumber of question is {question_no}') print(f'your score is {score}') try: percentage = (score *100)/question_no except ZeroDivisionError: print('0% quetions are correct')
print(f'{percentage}% questions are correct.')