ndless-nspire / Ndless

The TI-Nspire calculator extension for native applications
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Support for OS 5.0/5.1 #177

Closed OfficialDelta closed 3 years ago

OfficialDelta commented 5 years ago

I just got a TI Nspire CXII CAS and I want to install Ndless but I can’t downgrade bc the new os has a feature exclusive to my device

Atrate commented 4 years ago


Please refer to my previous comment

ProgrammerIn-wonderland commented 4 years ago

im guessing it wont be too much longer now that there is a working firebird emulation right?

vsod99 commented 4 years ago

Guys. Spamming the issue comments with requests for the release date doesn't add anything to the discussion.

It'll be done when it's done.

YolloPlays-AI commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to hear some news about Ndless. Is it difficult rn? What are the problems or bugs? Just a few news to keep me up-to-date, would be amazing.


eventhorizon02 commented 4 years ago

My skills include C/C++, assembly/machine code for MIPS, Z80 some X86 as well. Some linux/unix. some digital electronics, micro controllers etc. If you think I can help and can point me in the right direction I'll be happy to do so.

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

My skills include C/C++, assembly/machine code for MIPS, Z80 some X86 as well. Some linux/unix. some digital electronics, micro controllers etc. If you think I can help and can point me in the right direction I'll be happy to do so.

Experience with ARM (v5) would be useful. Getting started is quite simple: Just install OS 4.5.2 in firebird and try to get code execution by opening a custom crafted .tns file. That's a case of "draw the rest of the owl" though, the hard part is what comes after the initial setup, using tools like Ghidra to find bugs and exploiting them. If you discover something unexpected or even have a full PoC, please reach out to us in private.

eventhorizon02 commented 4 years ago

Cool, will give it a try and will let you know if I find out anything.

danieldb commented 4 years ago

Can I downgrade my os to a less advanced version and get ndless with that old os? is there any way to downgrade the system os? (I'm using a CX II CAS with os

YolloPlays-AI commented 4 years ago

No. Not possible, because the 5.0 OS is the OS that makes this calc working.

danieldb commented 4 years ago


SrAnnoying commented 4 years ago

Hey, I know I'm being annoying (sorry about that), but it's been a few months of silence, and I was wondering if there has been any progress on it (i don't want to know the percentage, I just want to know if it's being worked on).

Also, is there any Discord server for ndless?

Sanjit1 commented 4 years ago

@SrAnnoying yea I have also been wondering the same. I don't think there is a discord server and feel like there should be one.

lights0123 commented 4 years ago

There is a subreddit: https://reddit.com/r/nspire

It's more for general TI-Nspire stuff, but there's the occasional post related to ndless, although the last non-help posts was one 2 months ago and me 8 months ago...

badyherz commented 4 years ago

Now I have a nspire cx cas running 4.4.0, but its the one from school. I want to buy one but probably the "new" cx ii tcas. When will there will be a ndless version for it? I want to buy it in the end of 2020. Because I really just use it to play gbc games.

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

Hey, I know I'm being annoying (sorry about that), but it's been a few months of silence, and I was wondering if there has been any progress on it (i don't want to know the percentage, I just want to know if it's being worked on).


I don't think there is a discord server and feel like there should be one.

There's no discord server - it's on plain old IRC instead: #ndless-dev on ~freenode~EFNet.

adriweb commented 4 years ago

(on EFNet rather than Freenode :P)

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

(on EFNet rather than Freenode :P)

Indeed - I should've waited until waking up fully before replying...

debrouxl commented 4 years ago

What's that frenzy with Discord ? IRC's more lightweight, and functionally just fine :)

untiworddoc commented 4 years ago

Eh, it's just easier to use and more oriented for gamers but it can be used for general stuff as well. It still would be cool if we have one. I'll probably set one up for this topic just for fun.

Atrate commented 4 years ago

When it comes to tech-oriented groups I'd stay away from Discord. If you want an alternative, use Riot (Matrix client), it can be bridged with IRC. This is unrelated to this issue, if you want, you can create a Riot/Matrix community and notify us all in a new issue. I can help bridging with IRC if that were desired.

322997am commented 4 years ago

I would stay away from discord not only because of the egregious freedom issues with it, but also because their ToS/Guidelines are tyrranical. Chances are ndless would actually run afoul of them, because it can be considered "hacking or cracking" by some, which is explicitly prohibited by discord.

Peteris-Zvejnieks commented 4 years ago

If a device is needed for testing and the testing has a low probability of permanently bricking it , I`ve got TI-nspire CX II CAS currently running

Mikeologist commented 4 years ago

Did you read the messages of the past few days?

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020, 3:10 PM 179West notifications@github.com wrote:

Is there any progress on ndless at all ATM? I'm thinking of upgrading to a CX II CAS from my CX CAS, and I want to keep ndless on there.

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jmkd3v commented 4 years ago

Hey! Sorry if this is out of the blue. Just bought the nspire CX II, and wondering if I can do anything on it, ndless or not. Does anyone know if there's anything I can do?

lights0123 commented 4 years ago

@JMK19 assuming you mean what you can run on it now (versus "do" meaning help), you can run any Lua or TI-Basic app.

adriweb commented 4 years ago

And Python soon (next OS update)

Peteris-Zvejnieks commented 4 years ago

@JMK19 You can run some basic games from here

jmkd3v commented 4 years ago

Hi guys! thanks for all the tips and games, I downloaded a lot and it's really cool. I code in Python so i'm excited for Python if it's coming. Is there any progress on ndless for this calculator? Really interested in running apps like mini vMac on it.

Kyss007 commented 4 years ago

hey guys ^^ are there any news regarding support for 5.0 and 5.1?

untiworddoc commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately not

adriweb commented 4 years ago

At this point, there is no need for 5.0 support, and who knows, maybe even 5.1 support considering 5.2 is coming "soon" (for back-to-school anyway) and will be a major upgrade providing Python programming. There is little reason to get an Ndless release now considering nobody is at school anymore (so, way less users) and TI could have all it's time until the 5.2 release to block it by fixing whatever flaw it would be using. And so having to choose between Ndless and a new major feature would kind of suck... Anyway, that's my opinion, but I'm sure I'm not alone with it.

SrAnnoying commented 4 years ago

Is there any way for someone to put the CAS system on the N-spire II? I know you could do that with the first model via Ndless. That's my primary reason for waiting on Ndless.

adriweb commented 4 years ago

No, and this is unrelated to Ndless anyway, so...

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

You can simply buy a CX II CAS. It is not the goal of Ndless to allow CAS on non-CAS hardware.

StevenC21 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm not here to ask for a release date (I am more than aware that these things can't be rushed), but I did want to say that I personally appreciate your continued development of ndless. I have 3 TI-nspire calculators (2 CX CAS - one of them is unfortunately CR 4 hardware - and 1 CX II CAS). I currently run ndless on the first two and am looking forward to running it on the third.

So, thanks guys! You've done some excellent work.

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

I wonder about the "unfortunately CR 4". You should give https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless/pull/202 a try.

ION-Prod commented 4 years ago

Y U NO HAV PATREON?!?! Like seriously, it might be worth the effort and also amazing work (even though i can't use it because i got the CX II WITHOUT KNOWING (that i couldn't get ndless on it) P.S. If you have patreon and I didn't find it I'm dumb and sorry

adriweb commented 4 years ago

I doubt there is any issue updating to 5.1, and later 5.2 although there will probably be an official announcement/post about it when ready :)

officereso commented 4 years ago

This has been in the works for a long time. Can we get some sorta update? Ndless 5.x isn’t abandoned is it?

codeHusky commented 4 years ago

@officereso if you took a moment and scrolled up, you'd see that a contributor to the project had posted in this thread less than a week ago. It's very much in development.

Atrate commented 4 years ago

Locking this issue for contribs only might be a good idea, with a message to describe why it was locked and that progress is still being made

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

No, it's not abandoned.

Locking this issue for contribs only might be a good idea, with a message to describe why it was locked and that progress is still being made

I don't really like locking conversations, it just seems wrong to me for an open project. It would probably only lead to new issues about this getting created anyway.

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

Apparently the discussion here is going just fine, so why is there a need for discord? This seems OT.

codeHusky commented 4 years ago

seems kind of pointless to have anything but a ndless community discord. Plus, advertising it in this issue is probably the least effective place to do so.

I already use discord but I don't see much benefit to joining that over just using the existing reddit community, etc

anoopsk commented 4 years ago

Hey vogtinator I found a bug in the calculator.

danieldb commented 4 years ago

Hey vogtinator I found a bug in the calculator.


Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

@anoopsk Great! There is a contact address on ndless.me where you can share details.

anoopsk commented 4 years ago

On the ndless.me contact page I found the email ndless.team@gmail.com I sent an email to it weeks ago but you didn't respond to it.

anoopsk commented 4 years ago

The title of the email was 'are you vogtinator'.

Vogtinator commented 4 years ago

The title of the email was 'are you vogtinator'.

There were two mails with that subject. I responded to the first one.