ndleyton / OneTwo

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Score Chart, Random Team and Copy to clipboard function #12

Open tykees opened 6 years ago

tykees commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have few proposals for your project and observation you should check


Having; utilized the application for some time to keep track when playing board games with my folks, I think few features can be of value on the application and also suit our necessities.

Score chart: Is a function that will display the result of players participating in a board game in a bar chart form to know the final score, and other accessible data. These can be accomplished by creating a function button that will generate chart after the end of every session of board games. E.g.tykee score 312, Yu 309, Peter 231, Ming 268, James 121, and Tzu 89. All these points will be generated on the score chart to show the percentage of all the participants with their score.

Random Team: This is a capacity that will serve as the player picker, circumstance whereby 20 people, less or more want to participate in a board game, and five people will be in a team, having the aggregate of 4 teams, contingent on the type of game This function will be utilized by including all the player names on the application to generate the team of 4 having five names on a roll of each team.

 E.g., Team 1 ( tykees, kim, love, ming, and loiz)
      Team 2 ( Debby, Naim, lokey, Thor, and Nima)
      Team 3 ( Ztu, kilo, Maja, Ranui, and khalid)
      Team 4 (Dre, zuez, Luka, Rakitic, and James)
      Team 5 (Ahji, Shopako, luke, Gucci, and Bright)

Copy to clipboard: This is volatile or alternative storage used for the copying of text from one area to another within the device. Whereby any generated texts, result or chart data will be copyable.


The image below shows the score chart with percentages.

The percentage was derived from

Player score divided by the overall score then multiply by 100

Nkem 143/899*100= 15.09%
Love 205/899*100= 22.8%
tykees 320/899*100= 35.6%
Koko 231/899*100=25.7% 

Pictorial Illustration of the Random team, how it might look like if Implemented

Copy to clipboard is an abstract function that has effect for users to enjoy, However, "Tap to copy" will give users clue of how to use it.


Practically, The three above recommended features will be of added value on the project; Score Chart will fill in as another approach to take the final score on board games As appeared above, the component will involve some interesting information that will demonstrate outright data of all the thing that occurs on the board game events.

Users could take the screen capture of this information in the wake of adapting all the data on the clipboard and save on another note empower field or send to other members of the game.

Random Team: This component will help in selecting teams, In a circumstance whereby it is required, such as having individuals that need to take an interest in a board game. This element will help in the arbitrary determination of players with no cheats.

Copy to clipboard will be an exceptionally pleasant change when added to spare all produced information from the application as it will help to incidentally cut, move and paste on another content field to spare all data.

Another advantage is that it will fill in as the solid methods for getting information put something aside to reference reason as all data currently remains on the application.


The application tends to crash when attempting to alter the score on the counter page.

Tested on Android 5.1 Tecno Droid pad
GIF below https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/399498620144975872/476062260574552065/WhatsApp_Video_2018-08-06_at_02.20.32.mp4

ndleyton commented 6 years ago

Hi Tykees! I'm in awe at the effort put into this! Thank you very much! The app was in a bit of a hiatus while I learn Swift to have an iOS version as well. But I'll try to incorporate these as soon as possible. Specially the clipboard and Random Team. Regarding the crash, I'll look further into it, I'll try to acquire an Android 5 phone, because I can't seem to replicate it through an emulator. Thank you very much, I'll report on this issue any advances

tykees commented 6 years ago

Ok! Thank you for your quick response, Hoping to see those Improvement and bug fixes as soon as possible. Well done!!! :slightly_smiling_face: