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LaTeX style for Notre Dame Dissertations. We will need to continue to keep this available, even after Curate is retired. Or we will need to transfer ownership to the Graduate School.
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problem compiling example file with xelatex #4

Open dbrower opened 7 years ago

dbrower commented 7 years ago

When compiling the example file with xelatex I get the following fatal error:

~/D/n/example (master)> xelatex example.tex
This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99996 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded format=xelatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2016/03/31>
Babel <3.9r> and hyphenation patterns for 83 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: nddiss2e 2016/10/16 v3.2016Notre Dame Dissertation document cla


Document Class: book 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class

LaTeX Warning: File `creationdate.lua' already exists on the system.
               Not generating it from this source.

! Package pdfx Error: CreationDate is not properly supported;
 PDF validation may fail..

See the pdfx package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.674 ...tput-driver="xdvipdfmx -z 0" <filename> }

dbrower commented 7 years ago

@matz-e Any ideas? This is in the corresponding section of the log file:


LaTeX Warning: File `creationdate.lua' already exists on the system.
               Not generating it from this source.

! Package pdfx Error: CreationDate is not properly supported;
 PDF validation may fail..

See the pdfx package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.674 ...tput-driver="xdvipdfmx -z 0" <filename> }

? q
OK, entering \batchmode...

Package pdfx Warning: No implementation for \pdfxcreation.  on input line 716. 
matz-e commented 7 years ago

Sorry, this hasn't popped up for me so far since I didn't test xelatex that well. I barely use it since I migrated to lualatex

The documentation to pdfx mentions that xelatex needs to be run with -shell-escape. Not the cleanest solution, but it works, short of removing the usage of pdfx.

I ran into \pdfadjustspacing, too, which trips up xelatex, so I protected it to be only used with pdflatex. I'm not sure what the effect on the other TeX engines is, the documentation/Q&A I've found on the command are pretty sparse.

dbrower commented 7 years ago

If xetex/xelatex is different enough, maybe we don't support it? Even having lualatex in addition to pdflatex is a still a net gain.

I have never used xetex, nor do I know much about it. It seems to cater to using unicode input and to support arbitrary system fonts. But luatex also does both those things?

matz-e commented 7 years ago

That's true, it may be wise to not support xelatex. I found this w.r.t. feature comparisons. Since the question is already 4 years old, I ran the example locally. The spacing seems to have resolved and the other issue with the breve seems to be font dependent. Maybe this is too much of a niche?

lualatex on the other hand is already used by some graph drawing packages, i.e., tikz. If you don't want to have xelatex support, I can remove the few ifs that are in the distribution already.

matz-e commented 6 years ago

For reference, if someone is to dig this up, #6 was an attempt to solve this issue.