ndmitchell / hlint

Haskell source code suggestions
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HLint rules to automatically reduce duplication across modules? #411

Open saurabhnanda opened 6 years ago

saurabhnanda commented 6 years ago

Is the following possible:

If not automatically, can we manually run some script and feed it the Utils module to generate custom hlint rules, every once in a while?

ndmitchell commented 6 years ago

See https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint#adding-hints - the --find flag was exactly designed for what you are doing. I would say it's lightly tested and the documentation might be clearer, and I never advertised it - so feedback welcome.

saurabhnanda commented 6 years ago

Got it. Let me try this and report back.

saurabhnanda commented 6 years ago

I got the following suggestion via --find, which I promptly added to my config file...

- warn: {lhs: "a >>=\n  \\case\n      Left e -> throwM (ValidationErrors e)\n      Right r -> pure r", rhs: "withThrow a"}

...but it complained about LambdaCase not being enabled. So, I added this to the config file (LambdaCase is already enabled in the entire project via the cabal file):

- arguments: [-XArrows, -XQuasiQuotes, -XTypeApplications, -XLambdaCase]

Still, no luck. What am I doing wrong?

saurabhnanda commented 6 years ago

Another one, which doesn't seem to work (this is for Opaleye, btw, which uses Arrows):

- hint: {lhs: "(r ^. id) .== (constant a)", rhs: "findByPk a"}

Doesn't seem to catch the following code patterns:

 restrict -< (dep ^. id .== constant dpId)
-- or
restrict -< (r ^. id) .== (constant pid)
-- or
 restrict -< ((r ^. id) .== (constant bid)) .&& ((r ^. clientId) .== (constant cid))
ndmitchell commented 6 years ago

The first issue about LambdaCase was an issue with the .yaml file parser, now fixed in HEAD, and released soonish.

For the second, I added the hint exactly as you wrote it and then tried the file:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

foo = proc x -> do
      restrict -< (dep ^. id .== constant dpId)
      -- or
      restrict -< (r ^. id) .== (constant pid)
      -- or
      restrict -< ((r ^. id) .== (constant bid)) .&& ((r ^. clientId) .== (constant cid))

And saw a suggestion to use findByPk at least once. Can you give me a complete snippet so I can be sure I'm seeing what you were expecting?

saurabhnanda commented 6 years ago

Can you give me a complete snippet so I can be sure I'm seeing what you were expecting?

HLint rule:

- hint: {lhs: "(r ^. id) .== (constant a)", rhs: "findByPk a"}

Code snippet/s that should've matched:

  (agents :: [Client.Client]) <- filterTable Client.tableForClient (\r -> (r ^. Client.id .== (constant $ booking ^. marketplaceId))) 
    filterFn ((((a, _), _), _), _) = a ^. Client.id .== (constant bookingId_)
client_ <- (filterTable tableForClient (\r -> r ^. Client.id .== constant clientId_)) >>= ensureSingle [qc|Cannot find a single client for {clientId_}|]

There are many in our project, which is why we've abstracted this out into a util function. Here's how I found these via regex:

ndmitchell commented 6 years ago

Given a sample file:

main = do
  (agents :: [Client.Client]) <- filterTable Client.tableForClient (\r -> (r ^. Client.id .== (constant $ booking ^. marketplaceId))) 
  client_ <- (filterTable tableForClient (\r -> r ^. Client.id .== constant clientId_)) >>= ensureSingle undefined
  return ()

filterFn ((((a, _), _), _), _) = a ^. Client.id .== (constant bookingId_)

Note that I replaced [qc|Cannot find a single client for {clientId_}|] with undefined as that was giving a parse error (might require an extension turning on, might be a haskell-src-exts bug, not really sure). With that, I get:

$ hlint Sample.hs
Sample.hs:3:69: Suggestion: Redundant bracket
  \ r -> (r ^. Client.id .== (constant $ booking ^. marketplaceId))
Why not:
  \ r -> r ^. Client.id .== (constant $ booking ^. marketplaceId)

Sample.hs:3:76: Suggestion: Move brackets to avoid $
  r ^. Client.id .== (constant $ booking ^. marketplaceId)
Why not:
  r ^. Client.id .== constant (booking ^. marketplaceId)

Sample.hs:4:14: Suggestion: Redundant bracket
  (filterTable tableForClient
     (\ r -> r ^. Client.id .== constant clientId_))
    >>= ensureSingle undefined
Why not:
  filterTable tableForClient
    (\ r -> r ^. Client.id .== constant clientId_)
    >>= ensureSingle undefined

Sample.hs:7:34: Suggestion: Redundant bracket
  a ^. Client.id .== (constant bookingId_)
Why not:
  a ^. Client.id .== constant bookingId_

4 hints

If I follow the bracket suggestions, and also rewrite your rule to:

- hint: {lhs: "r ^. Client.id .== constant a", rhs: "findByPk a"}

Then I get 3 suggestions to use findByPk. If you always import Client qualified as Client then I suggest you take that route. If not, you can define a package, say what it imports, and tap into more refined name matching (see the hlint.yaml that ships with HLint for some examples of defining packages and declaring which packages a hint imports).