ndmitchell / hoogle

Haskell API search engine
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hoogle seems to choke on BasicAuth.lhs from servant #312

Closed fredericcogny closed 5 years ago

fredericcogny commented 5 years ago


hoogle --version
Hoogle, http://hoogle.haskell.org/

(intsalled via stack)

I get the below error when running

hoogle generate --local=$PWD --database=local.hoo

on the attached documentation generated by haddock for servant tmp.zip

Starting generate
[2/21] BasicAuth.lhs... hoogle: hseToItem failed, createUserDB users = Map.fromList [(user u, u) | u <- users]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Input/Haddock.hs:78:47 in hoogle-

the culprit file below

Basic Authentication

Let's see a simple example of a web application with a single endpoint, protected by Basic Authentication.

First, some throat clearing.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager, defaultManagerSettings)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Servant
import Servant.Client

We will be dealing with a very simple model of users, as shown below. Our "user database" will just be a map from usernames to full user details. For the sake of simplicity, it will just be read only but the same code could be used with mutable references, database connections, files and more in place of our Map.

type Username = T.Text
type Password = T.Text
type Website = T.Text

data User = User
  { user :: Username
  , pass :: Password
  , site :: Website
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- could be a postgres connection, a file, anything.
type UserDB = Map.Map Username User

-- create a "database" from a list of users
createUserDB :: [User] -> UserDB
createUserDB users = Map.fromList [ (user u, u) | u <- users ]

-- our test database
userDB :: UserDB
userDB = createUserDB
  [ User "john" "shhhh" "john.com"
  , User "foo" "bar" "foobar.net"

Our API will contain a single endpoint, returning the authenticated user's own website.

-- a 'GET /mysite' endpoint, protected by basic authentication
type API = BasicAuth "People's websites" User :> "mysite" :> Get '[JSON] Website

{- if there were more endpoints to be protected, one could write:
type API = BasicAuth "People's websites" User :>
    ( "foo" :> Get '[JSON] Foo
 :<|> "bar" :> Get '[JSON] Bar

api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy

server :: Server API
server usr = return (site usr)

In order to protect our endpoint ("mysite" :> Get '[JSON] Website), we simply drop the BasicAuth combinator in front of it. Its first parameter, "People's websites" in our example, is the realm, which is an arbitrary string identifying the protected resources. The second parameter, User in our example, corresponds to the type we want to use to represent authenticated users. It could be anything.

When using BasicAuth in an API, the server implementation "gets" an argument of the authenticated user type used with BasicAuth, User in our case, in the "corresponding spot". In this example, the server implementation simply returns the site field of the authenticated user. More realistic applications would have endpoints that take other arguments and where a lot more logic would be implemented. But in a sense, BasicAuth adds an argument just like Capture, QueryParam, ReqBody and friends. But instead of performing some form of decoding logic behind the scenes, servant runs some "basic auth check" that the user provides.

In our case, we need access to our user database, so we simply take it as an argument. A more serious implementation would probably take a database connection or even a connection pool.

-- provided we are given a user database, we can supply
-- a function that checks the basic auth credentials
-- against our database.
checkBasicAuth :: UserDB -> BasicAuthCheck User
checkBasicAuth db = BasicAuthCheck $ \basicAuthData ->
  let username = decodeUtf8 (basicAuthUsername basicAuthData)
      password = decodeUtf8 (basicAuthPassword basicAuthData)
  case Map.lookup username db of
    Nothing -> return NoSuchUser
    Just u  -> if pass u == password
               then return (Authorized u)
               else return BadPassword

This check simply looks up the user in the "database" and makes sure the right password was used. For reference, here are the definitions of BasicAuthResult and BasicAuthCheck:

-- | The result of authentication/authorization
data BasicAuthResult usr
  = Unauthorized
  | BadPassword
  | NoSuchUser
  | Authorized usr
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable, Functor)

-- | Datatype wrapping a function used to check authentication.
newtype BasicAuthCheck usr = BasicAuthCheck
  { unBasicAuthCheck :: BasicAuthData
                     -> IO (BasicAuthResult usr)
  deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor)

This is all great, but how is our BasicAuth combinator supposed to know that it should use our checkBasicAuth from above? The answer is that it simply expects to find a BasicAuthCheck value for the right user type in the Context with which we serve the application, where Context is just servant's way to allow users to communicate some configuration of sorts to combinators. It is nothing more than an heterogeneous list and we can create a context with our auth check and run our application with it with the following code:

runApp :: UserDB -> IO ()
runApp db = run 8080 (serveWithContext api ctx server)

  where ctx = checkBasicAuth db :. EmptyContext

ctx above is just a context with one element, checkBasicAuth db, whose type is BasicAuthCheck User. In order to say that we want to serve our application using the supplied context, we just have to use serveWithContext in place of serve.

Finally, let's derive a client to this endpoint as well in order to see our server in action!

getSite :: BasicAuthData -> ClientM Website
getSite = client api

main :: IO ()
main = do
  mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
  bracket (forkIO $ runApp userDB) killThread $ \_ ->
    runClientM (getSite u) (mkClientEnv mgr (BaseUrl Http "localhost" 8080 ""))
      >>= print

  where u = BasicAuthData "foo" "bar"

This program prints Right "foobar.net", as expected. Feel free to change this code and see what happens when you specify credentials that are not in the database.

The entire program covered here is available as a literate Haskell file here, along with a cabal project.

ndmitchell commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the report. As a general rule, Hoogle should never be running over .lhs files (or .hs files) - only the .txt files produced by Haddock. Can you create a new directory containing only .txt files as produced by --haddock --hoogle and see if that works better?

fredericcogny commented 5 years ago

Sorry was not clear. It does choke on BasicAuth.lhs.txt

Now that being said, I am not sure how this file was generated.

I do think it was with haddock back when we had servant as a dependency, but we use bazel and nix (with which I m not super familiar with) so I can not replicate easily.

I've tried cloning the servant repo and do a fresh stack build --haddock (both on master and on the latest release tag v0.16.1) but it fails at the build set-up.

I'll keep digging and let you know if I manage to replicate from scratch but in the mean time you have a super simple test case; just put the file in an empty folder and run hoogle generate --local=$PWD --database=local.hoo

ndmitchell commented 5 years ago

Thanks Fred, that file explains it. The file isn't really "valid" Hoogle input, in the sense that it is using markdown in the comments, rather than Haddock syntax. The idea was Haddock should be producing birdtick prefixes > in front of lines of code, and not using blank lines, since otherwise it can't tell where definitions are. In fact, the entire file just looks like raw Markdown, so no idea how haddock --hoogle generated it - you aren't going to get any useful definitions out of it. Could it be that Bazel was having a bad day and generated it without using Haddock?

fredericcogny commented 5 years ago

Thanks Neil and sorry for the trouble. Since I have not managed to reproduce that file I'll just close this for now and will re-open if/once I have a reproducible test case