ndmitchell / hoogle

Haskell API search engine
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The OpenSearch description specifies a broken suggestions endpoint #389

Open lf- opened 1 year ago

lf- commented 1 year ago

Hoogle seems to support OpenSearch discovery, for integrating as a browser search engine. The docs for that are here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch#autodiscovery_of_search_plugins

However, in Hoogle's description file here: https://github.com/ndmitchell/hoogle/blob/master/html/search.xml it's specified that Hoogle should be invoked with mode=suggest via this URL: https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle={searchTerms}&mode=suggest

(an independent bug is that this doesn't vary based on the server URL so this doesn't correctly work on localhost hoogle)

However, this mode doesn't exist in the source code:


Thus, suggestions don't work. I might go add that mode, since it is likely not that tricky.