ndmitchell / shake

Shake build system
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Redesign the Builtin Rule API #453

Closed ndmitchell closed 5 years ago

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Various tickets have lead me to the conclusion that I should redesign the Rules class. This ticket is to discuss that endeavour. Notes:

The code is all under https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/tree/master/src/Development/Shake/Experiment. Interface.hs is the proposed API, and Rules.hs is my implementation of equivalent existing rules under that API, mostly stubs.

CC @ezyang and @Mathnerd314 whose requests prompted this redesign.

snowleopard commented 8 years ago

I hope this can also help make progress with this issue: https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/217.

Ideally, I need a way to implement something like this:

-- Remember a value associated with a key and force a rebuild if the value has changed.
remember :: Int -> Int -> Action ()
remember key value = ...

checkArgsHash :: Target -> Action ()
checkArgsHash target = do
    args <- interpret target getArgs
    remember (hash target) (hash args)

At the moment we implement checkArgsHash roughly as follows:

checkArgsHash :: Target -> Action ()
checkArgsHash target = do
    _ <- askOracle $ ArgsHashKey target :: Action Int
    return ()

-- Oracle for storing per-target argument list hashes
argsHashOracle :: Rules ()
argsHashOracle = void $
    addOracle $ \(ArgsHashKey target) -> hash <$> interpret target getArgs

Storing all complete Target's in Shake's database is very inefficient, yet we have to do this currently.

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

Questions and comments:

I'll also note that this is really close to what I have in my devel branch; I just noticed that my analyse function can go away and be part of rule execution.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the comments!

Great that we seem to be converging on an answer!

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

the ability to not bother checking your children.

I don't think this is actually an ability. Suppose A depends on B unconditionally. If B changes, and A does not check its dependencies, then A is in an inconsistent state. And if A changes, you do not get any optimization by skipping the check for B, because A will call need B regardless, to add it as a dependency.

For conditional dependencies, all that matters is that Shake checks them in the same order as the rule did; i.e. need a >> need b means that Shake checks a and all its dependencies before checking b, because changing a dependency can only change later dependencies.

You mentioned changing Shake to do the storedValue check after the dependencies (#427), using Bool instead of Action Bool is similar.

Could you expose access to the changed / built values

I was thinking of a version of apply that returned the changed / built values. It's not particularly difficult to implement, even in the existing framework.

Shake gets the TypeRep value in apply and then needs to look up the right builtin rule,

That explains Typeable key, but not Typeable value, unless Shake has started doing disambiguation by value type (currently it only uses the key). But that wouldn't make much sense since the previous value is a ByteString.

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

Oh, and there's no need for ShakeOptions as an argument, it's in the Action monad so getShakeOptions suffices. Similarly, the user rules don't need to be explicitly passed if they're stored in Global.

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

changedDependencies says whether to use the dependencies from this run, or the previous run

But this only makes sense if there is a previous run. How about the dependencies of the previous run are passed in, and the rule can decide to either pass them through or create a new list?

snowleopard commented 8 years ago

@snowleopard - with this approach you can eliminate the value and just store a hash. However, I don't see how you can eliminate the Target unless you can enumerate all Target values in advance, hash them, form a Int -> Target map, and then deserialize that way.

@ndmitchell But I think I've shown the solution already, or is it wrong?

All I need is this function to be implementable using Shake's rules:

-- Remember a value associated with a key and force a rebuild if the value has changed.
remember :: Int -> Int -> Action ()
remember key value = ...

With this function we can implement checkArgsHash without storing Target's in Shake's database or having a global Int -> Target map as follows:

checkArgsHash :: Target -> Action ()
checkArgsHash target = do
    args <- interpret target getArgs
    remember (hash target) (hash args)

There are several cases to consider:

So, if I haven't made a mistake above, we don't need to store Target's (only their hashes) in the Shake database and we also don't need any global Int -> Target dictionary.

P.S.: I am pretty sure remember can already be implemented using stamp files, but that is a lot of overhead, of course. Ideally, I'd like to store this information in Shake's database directly (suitably wrapping Int key/value pairs into newtypes).

ezyang commented 8 years ago

My suggestions:

  1. Make a data structure for the input arguments. This will increase abstraction since you can easily add extra inputs and/or turn accessors into helper functions if you decide to refactor things.
  2. Instead of having a changed Bool and then the value of type a, can't we define something of type Changed a? Then if it hasn't changed, we don't even have to provide a value, thus preventing the class of bugs where we claimed something didn't change, but we returned something different.
  3. I agree with @Mathnerd314, the "global" ShakeOptions and rule lookup should be part of the environment of the Action monad.
  4. I really don't understand what is going on here: https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/blob/master/src/Development/Shake/Experiment/Rules.hs#L161
  5. changedValue is kind of confusing; it may be useful to set it to True even though the actual resultValue hasn't changed; you see this in your sample File implementation where resultValue is always ().

Now, let's see if this solves #388. I'll consider rules which have the map (FilePath, FilePath) to file outputs, BUT if a flag in shakeOptions is set then we consider only the first FilePath.

filesToo = addBuiltinRule $ \opts ask ((x1, x2) :: (File, File)) old check -> do
  let buildSecond = shakeBuildSecond opts -- the flag which toggles if we consider x2
  -- this part looks annoying to write, would like some helper functions...
  rebuild <- case old of
    Nothing -> return True
    Just bs -> do
      let (b1, b2) = decode bs
      r1 <- getFileInfo opts x1
      if r1 /= b1
        then return True
        else do
          if buildSecond
            then fmap (/=b2) (getFileInfo opts x2)
            else return False
  if not rebuild
    then BuiltinInfo
            {changedDependencies = False
            ,changedStore = False
            ,resultStore = fromJust old
            ,changedValue = False
            ,resultValue = decode $ fromJust old}
    else -- blah blah blah, I'm convinced

OK, so I am convinced this does solve the problem. Does look annoying to write these functions though.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Replying to @Mathnerd314

"the ability to not bother checking your children." And if A changes, you do not get any optimization by skipping the check for B, because A will call need B regardless.

I agree this is the same as #427. If we decide in #427 that it's reasonable to check stored value after, then this should be a Bool. Let's discuss that particular issue there.

I was thinking of a version of apply that returned the changed / built value.

What do you imagine the use case for that is? Certainly possible to do, I just can't think why it's useful - usually more fine grained rules solves the problem in a simpler way.

That explains Typeable key, but not Typeable value

The person calling apply implicitly supplied a key and value type. The Typeable value is required to check they match and thus that the coercion at the other end will work. I could use Any and unsafeCoerce, but that means an ill-typed apply would segfault.

There's no need for ShakeOptions as an argument, it's in the Action monad

The builtin rule will be pre-applied to the first two arguments, since given the Skip/Ignore/Rebuild flags in the options, it may be able to precompute some faster data structure to look up those values. Similarly, given the matches it may be able to precompute something. As a result, it's not able to run Action stuff at that point.

How about the dependencies of the previous run are passed in, and the rule can decide to either pass them through or create a new list?

That's certainly a design decision I considered, but requires a value-level representation of dependencies, which otherwise isn't necessary.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

@snowleopard I still don't see how this works. You need to define an operation that given a key says if the value is still valid or not. From the hash of a target you can't compute the expected result, so you have to store the whole target.

I'd love to see some kind of prototype using stamp files. If you can do it with stamp files, I'm sure this interface will let you do it more efficiently without.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago


Make a data structure for the input arguments.

Probably not a bad idea. Would also make it explicit that there are two staged input arguments, answering your point from 3.

I really don't understand what is going on here: https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/blob/master/src/Development/Shake/Experiment/Rules.hs#L161

Phony rules are encoded as 0 byte storage, and are always considered to have rebuilt. It's the mirror of https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/blob/master/src/Development/Shake/Experiment/Rules.hs#L180

Instead of having a changed Bool and then the value of type a, can't we define something of type Changed a? Then if it hasn't changed, we don't even have to provide a value, thus preventing the class of bugs where we claimed something didn't change, but we returned something different.

Certainly this opens up a class of bugs, but the idea is that this is the most efficient interface possible, and then sugaring up to some kind of Changed value is quite reasonable.

For changedStore the motivation was that if we allow the user to pass back Unchanged we are forced to keep the value storage around until the end of the rule. With the current formulation we can throw it away, and the rule only keeps it if it needs to. Perhaps a micro-optimisation.

For changedValue the idea is to encapsulate the equalValue method of the Rules class and all the dodgy Eq instances for things like AlwaysRerunA. You produce a value, and separately you say if you should consider the children to be dirty. I guess changedValue should really be childrenDirty or similar - which (at a first approximation for some rules) happens to be if the value has changed.

OK, so I am convinced this does solve the problem. Does look annoying to write these functions though.

Yep, this is the low-level substrate which hopefully we can sugar up to something easy. The fact it's possible is the thing to dwell on :smile:.

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

I've implemented most of this in my branch; it uses Binary / ByteString.Lazy instead of a new Encoding class, and there are other differences, but the general sense is there. My BuiltinRule type is here, and Rules.File is here. It's only slightly longer than the original, primarily due to the addUserRule calls. And Oracle is gone! (it just uses builtin rules now)

I think I get what @snowleopard 's asking; it's possible in current Shake with a new cache primitive that uses a bimap. You would have

-- Core.hs:
newBidirectionalCacheIO :: (k -> Action v) -> IO (k -> Action v, v -> IO (Maybe k))

-- Rules/TargetChecker.hs
module TargetChecker(makeTargetChecker) where
newtype TargetHash = TargetHash ...
hash :: Target -> TargetHash
hashResult :: whatever -> HashResult

makeTargetChecker :: Rules (Target -> Action ())
makeTargetChecker = do
  (targetToHash, hashToTarget) <- liftIO $ newBidirectionalCacheIO hash
  askOracle <- addOracle $ \(TargetHash thash) -> do
    Just target <- liftIO $ hashToTarget thash -- always successful since it can only be called from below
    hashResult <$> interpret target getArgs
  return (\target -> do
    thash <- targetToHash target
    _ <- askOracle
    return ())

So really it belongs in a separate issue. Although, with the new rule API, having a makeInterpreter :: (Typeable e, Hashable e) => Rules (Target -> Expr e -> Action e) that similarly tracks dependencies would be possible (using Key-in-Key and the resultStore / resultValue distinction).

a version of apply that returned the changed / built value.

What do you imagine the use case for that is?

Pluto uses it in their C compile rule. Don't look too closely at it because I think it's buggy, but the general idea is sound. The rule is formulated as many-to-many (a single rule that compiles all files), but it only recompiles the C files that changed. So a directory that has a.c b.c c.c might run a command like gcc -cvH a.c c.c, if only a and c have changed. In general, it should allow implementing complicated dependency logic like the second graph in https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/382#issuecomment-182145623.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Awesome @Mathnerd314! I'll take a look and see exactly what you've done. Any reason for going via Binary instead of Encoder? My benchmarks have shown Binary to be a bottleneck, hence the desire to switch to Encoder and avoid the performance penalty.

Any thoughts of anything that did/did not work particularly well? Any hidden traps we hadn't considered?

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

I used Binary because it was already there, whereas using Encoder would require writing a new class and changing more files. And Binary is advertised as 'efficient'; in theory it should optimize to something close to your pointer arithmetic. In practice, well... it's probably worth benchmarking again, because the function layout is significantly different and so GHC may find better optimizations or lose old ones. But, I expect that Shake will need to be significantly rearchitected again to support file-system watching, so I don't think it's needed yet.

In terms of changes, it was relatively simple, although tedious; your proposal is really a series of changes (API's become monomorphic, Rule class goes away, etc.) so they decomposed well. I still haven't run the testsuite, so there could be some weird serialization or type coercion failures. But most of the changes were just moving around code, rather than a particularly grand redesign (user rule matching being a mild exception). I didn't implement the whole API though; it's still tweaks here and there.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Benchmarking shows Binary to be a bottleneck. My intention is to present a Binary interface to the outside world (probably), but use Encoder and implement Encoder using Binary for user types. Binary is nowhere near my bytestring code, partly because it can't be - it starts off with lazy bytestrings, has to be able to consume a prefix (my encoders rely on the length) etc. See https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2016/03/efficient-binary-serialization for benchmarks - although I came to the conclusion Encoder would be necessary before that blog post. That said, it's certainly reasonable to get it all working on top of Binary first, then as a second step move to Encoder - no reason to break everything in one go.

@Mathnerd314 - how do you suggest I proceed? Are the patches in your branch clean enough to move over wholesale? Should I diff our trees and move diffs across? Should I reimplement but using yours as a guide?

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

After looking at Binary more, I agree it's a poorly designed API. But it's more work to implement a new API, and I don't think Encoder is sufficient. So now I'm writing my own serialization API, using lenses... (on a local branch)

As far as proceeding, at this point it's probably less work to merge my branch than to reimplement it or move patches one-at-a-time. The diff is relatively readable, except for the Core / Core2 and Database/Database2 splits, which can be worked around with

git diff `git ls-tree origin/master src/Development/Shake/Core.hs` src/Development/Core2.hs
git diff `git ls-tree origin/master src/Development/Shake/Database.hs` src/Development/Database2.hs

I recommend that you go through the diff and comment any changes you don't like; I'll fix/reverse those in new commits, then you can merge it, either as a squashed commit (there's lots of half-baked commits and false starts) or with a normal git merge.

snowleopard commented 8 years ago

I think I get what @snowleopard 's asking; it's possible in current Shake with a new cache primitive that uses a bimap. You would have

@Mathnerd314 I have to admit I don't understand your solution, but I'll meditate on it when I'm back to fixing argsHashOracle. If you could integrate it into Oracles.ArgsHash in a PR that would be awesome :)

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

I was curious what the status of this was, so I looked through master:

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Thanks for that summary - a good todo list and I confirm all those things are still in progress. A couple of questions:

Current plan is most definitely Database refactoring. That code is important and complex, so want to simplify it then get rid of the execute/build/check distinction. After that everything else looks reasonably straightforward.

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

How are my user rules different?

You have user rules as an extra argument to execute:

executeRule :: (forall a . Typeable a => Proxy a -> UserRule a) -> key -> Action value

I didn't pass user rules at all; I stored user rules as part of Action's Global structure, and added two functions (userRule & getUserRules) to retrieve them.

For exposed via Cabal, you mean FileA etc?

The general expectation of internal modules is that they are exposed, so that you can actually use them in the rare cases where this is necessary. See for example Data.Bytestring.Internal. But your internal modules are still in other-modules.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

You have user rules as an extra argument to execute:

Ah yes, there are lots of argument details, I copied about 90% of yours and then differ in this part. The reason is I want to the builtin rules to be able to ask for all the user rules in advance then run advanced/time-consuming optimisations on them once, and then use them lots of times. That necessitates the rules being available during builtin rule construction rather than in Action. I don't yet do any such optimisations, but the hope is that if profiling ever shows up rule matching I could compile a single finite state automaton from all rules and match them in time linear to the length of the path, rather than linear to the number of rules.

The general expectation of internal modules is that they are exposed

I appreciate this is the standard pattern in Haskell, but I find it quite distasteful - it massively increases the API, adds a lot of ambiguity around semantic versioning, and means I can't easily figure out what people are doing with Shake. Instead I prefer to be responsive and if people need internals exposing for good reasons then expose them properly and to everyone, and ideally very quickly. I'm certainly going to expose things like FileA in some form by the end, but not just everything in Internal. As an example of where exposing internals goes wrong, consider Text, which has 27 internal modules including things like Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Int.Digits which consists of a longish ByteString with no clear semantics...

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

As a concrete example of in-advance rules, for file rules, I sometimes generate a Set data structure if there are lots of literal paths to match. At the moment that has to be one separate Set per |%>. With in advance rule matching I could instead make it a Map for nearby equal priority rules not under alternative.

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Just backing up my in progress notes, which I've been leaving in an unsaved text buffer for a few weeks, but now have to reboot: https://gist.github.com/ndmitchell/904306020655edb3b56caadc286ba8ee (I'm expecting them to be unintelligible to anyone but me!)

Mathnerd314 commented 8 years ago

It seems quite readable, here's my notes for comparison: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Mathnerd314/e9e9f0d667270eaf37a9bfced53c8b58/raw/4ad976d083f102107133ae640722ae8c0bb5a343/gistfile1.txt

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

I switched to running storedValue in the thread pool. With -j1 it goes twice as slow for checking 1000's of filetimes. At -j4 it goes slightly faster. The bottleneck is reported less in pool and more in the waiting/rendezvous code, which might need some microoptimisation. However, such optimisation can wait - it's certainly in a ball park of fast enough. Progress continues towards the end goal.

ezyang commented 8 years ago

How is this going? Still waiting so I can port my code to a newer version of Shake 8)

ndmitchell commented 8 years ago

Progress continues - I think the addBuiltinRule now has the final signature. I think the file rules will continue to change, so that writing combinations of file rules is easier.

skogsbaer commented 7 years ago

What's the state of this issue? I still would like to implement some kind of dirty flag for #289, but in a comment to #289, you said that such a flag is kind of blocked by this issue here.

ndmitchell commented 7 years ago

I'm 80% through the implementation and hope to finish end of Jan.

ndmitchell commented 5 years ago

I think the API is completely rewritten now, so this can be closed.