ndokter / dsmr_parser

Library to parse Dutch Smart Meter Requirements (DSMR) telegrams.
MIT License
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Parser recompiles regex every loop #130

Closed bdraco closed 1 year ago

bdraco commented 1 year ago


It would be nice if this cached the compile of the regex and didn't recompile it every loop

lowdef commented 1 year ago

But the signature is different for every traversal of the loop:

for signature, parser in self.telegram_specification['objects'].items():
            pattern = re.compile(signature, re.DOTALL)
            matches = pattern.findall(telegram_data)

As this is done again for every new telegram offered to the parser, you might still be right that there might be some unnecessary overhead here.

I noticed on bulk processing that the parser is very slow. Not sure how much improvement this will bring. Could be an interesting experiment.

bdraco commented 1 year ago

A quick fix would be an lru_cache around the re.compile

_cached_re_compile = lru_cache(maxsize=512)(re.compile). -- max size may be too high

for signature, parser in self.telegram_specification['objects'].items():
            pattern = _cached_re_compile(signature, re.DOTALL)
            matches = pattern.findall(telegram_data)

A better fix would be to store the re.compile objects for each signature

ndokter commented 1 year ago

Another option could be to do it in the init

ndokter commented 1 year ago

@bdraco i tested it and it seems to improve the performance by about 5-6%. Do you have a preference for the chosen solution? Im impartial and also fine wit the lru approach.


I suspect there is a big(ger) gain to be made in TelegramBuffer.get_all. It's a method that is called for every x bytes received, after which it performs a regex to see if a full telegram is received. Maybe it can be optimized to more smartly look at the end of a telegram which often is something like !56DD\r\n

bdraco commented 1 year ago

Building them ahead of time and storing them is cleaner than using an LRU 👍

bdraco commented 1 year ago

I suspect there is a big(ger) gain to be made in TelegramBuffer.get_all. It's a method that is called for every x bytes received, after which it performs a regex to see if a full telegram is received. Maybe it can be optimized to more smartly look at the end of a telegram which often is something like !56DD\r\n

import re

# - Match all characters after start of telegram except for the start
# itself again '^\/]+', which eliminates incomplete preceding telegrams.
# - Do non greedy match using '?' so start is matched up to the first
# checksum that's found.
# - The checksum is optional '{0,4}' because not all telegram versions
# support it.
_FIND_TELEGRAMS_REGEX = re.compile(r"\/[^\/]+?\![A-F0-9]{0,4}\0?\r\n", re.DOTALL)

class TelegramBuffer(object):
    Used as a buffer for a stream of telegram data. Constructs full telegram
    strings from the buffered data and returns it.

    def __init__(self):
        self._buffer = ""

    def get_all(self):
        Remove complete telegrams from buffer and yield them.
        :rtype generator:
        for telegram in _FIND_TELEGRAMS_REGEX.findall(self._buffer):
            yield telegram

    def append(self, data):
        Add telegram data to buffer.
        :param str data: chars, lines or full telegram strings of telegram data
        self._buffer += data

    def _remove(self, telegram):
        Remove telegram from buffer and incomplete data preceding it. This
        is easier than validating the data before adding it to the buffer.
        :param str telegram:
        # Remove data leading up to the telegram and the telegram itself.
        index = self._buffer.index(telegram) + len(telegram)

        self._buffer = self._buffer[index:]

Maybe something like this.

I don't actually use this lib so I can't test it. I was only submitting this on behalf of a user that I was helping with a performance issue with their system.

pimw1 commented 1 year ago

Yup, that user is me ;) Thank you all for looking into this!

ndokter commented 1 year ago

Thank you, i have put these performance improvements in version 1.2.2

pimw1 commented 1 year ago

Great work! Would it be possible to merge the update into Home Assistant?

ndokter commented 1 year ago

I don't know how to test the changes in HA. It seems that the version listed here is quite old as well (v0.33): https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/dev/homeassistant/components/dsmr/manifest.json

bdraco commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/84097 looks like it's waiting for a reviewer that can test this

dupondje commented 1 year ago

I've made a HACS integration for it now, as the PR keeps hanging in HA: https://github.com/dupondje/homeassistant-dsmr

pimw1 commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks! I'll give it a try today/tomorrow. I'm curous to see the impact of the efficiency-improvement on the cpu-utlization.

pimw1 commented 1 year ago

By the way, since https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/84097 is from dec 2022, i guess the performance improvement of version 1.2.2 is not in there. Would it be an idea to add the latest improvement in it?

pimw1 commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks! I'll give it a try today/tomorrow. I'm curous to see the impact of the efficiency-improvement on the cpu-utlization.

I've tested with the new version and compared the performance with the vanila dsmr of home assistant. From performance perspective, i don't see a clear pattern. It might be that vanilla home assistant dsmr performs slightly better, but the difference is too small to tell from the graphs. I've done two runs and rescaled the y-axis for both runs. image