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Designer can save a report as pdf #130

Open HeshamW opened 11 years ago

HeshamW commented 11 years ago

C2S12 : As a designer I can download a .pdf file of the report generated from the statistics page (Average time taken, number of users successful/failed, demographic info)

Success scenario :

  1. In the statistics page, the designer clicks on button "save report"
  2. The designer is then prompted to choose the options to include in the report.
  3. The designer is then prompted to chose the destination on the local machine to save the report.
  4. A pdf version of the online html is then saved to the local machine and an on-screen notification appears "Report save successfully"
  5. The designer is then redirected to the statistics page.

Failure scenario:

  1. The task may have not been reviewed by any one so the graphs and charts are empty.
  2. On click button "Save Report" a notification appears "There is no report since no one reviewed the task"
HeshamW commented 11 years ago

@SarahNouh @maged918 @ahmed-osama-saad @Hoss93

HeshamW commented 11 years ago

@ahmed-osama-saad Please check again the documentation

hossam-mossalam commented 11 years ago

@HeshamW sorry it was a wrong tutorial so just make it class.model and so on

maged918 commented 11 years ago

@HeshamW code reviewed, some duplicate fixes need to be done, i commented in another issue. Please fix your "fixtures" most importantly.

ahmed-osama-saad commented 11 years ago

@HeshamW tests verified

HeshamW commented 11 years ago

@maged918 Please recheck code

maged918 commented 11 years ago

@HeshamW code verified.

HeshamW commented 11 years ago

@ahmed-osama-saad Please review

ahmed-osama-saad commented 11 years ago

doc verified