ndouglas / mistwood

A library for roguelikes, MUDs, and similar games combining various technologies.
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Define `Message` concept. #26

Closed ndouglas closed 6 months ago

ndouglas commented 6 months ago

User Story

As an engineer, I want a single, powerful way of presenting in-character text to the player to ensure consistency, flexibility, and reliability.

So let's say I have a Message concept with several levels that I use for all in-game text presented to the user.

This needs to support:


Acceptance Criteria

ndouglas commented 6 months ago


As this is a text-based game, Messages are how information is conveyed to the player. This document is concerned with establishing a basic concept of a Message and its components and the systems with which it interacts so that I can implement it quickly and efficiently.

As with everything else, my goals are:

Message Template

The raw content of the Message is a string. Ideally, this is generic over static strings (&'static str), strings with a specific lifetime (&'a str), and owned String objects.

This string is presumably going to be interpreted as a template string for a system like Mustache or Handlebars. Consequently, we will need to pass some JSON-compatible object along with each string.

Message Data

This is the data passed along with the raw content, which will be substituted into the string by some system like Mustache or Handlebars (I'm leaning Handlebars). This should be completely JSON-friendly.

Message Gravity

The Gravity of the message is a reference to an enum variant that indicates the general seriousness or severity of the situation, which is somewhat akin to a loglevel.

It is expected that these conditions will imply some formatting of their own (for instance, Fatal might be bold maroon red, critical bright red, alert red, warning yellow, notice and info white). In all cases, formatting is handled as a stack, i.e. any formatting that occurs within the string is added, and when no longer needed the previous state is restored. Formatting is not at any time "reset" to the global default.

Message Template Voucher

The core idea of this game is that it's a procedurally generated text adventure, so it's critical that text not be repetitive and boring. We build this in from the beginning by never simply writing a user-facing message and passing it to the frontend.

Instead, we emit Message Template Vouchers in events, and these are processed by the Message Template Registry and exchanged for a Message Template.

Message Template Vouchers are a type name.

Message Template Provider

The Message Template Provider is a trait describing an object that provides message templates. It may be a struct or an enum variant. It simply takes an integer and returns a message template from its list; normally, it's just going to return the message template at $number % $vector_length. Errors should just not occur at this point.

Message Template Provider Registry

The Message Template Provider Registry maintains a HashMap<MessageVoucherClass, Box> of Message Template Providers. The registry simply proxies the exchange of the message template voucher for the message template. The message template provider registry should be a globally accessible service.

Message Metadata

Some additional information should be packaged with each message (possibly switched off for release?):