ndrbn0 / Flavion

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Add Ingredient with Flavour Profile #2

Open ndrbn0 opened 3 weeks ago

ndrbn0 commented 3 weeks ago

Add Ingredient

As a user, I want to add new ingredients with detailed flavour profiles so that I can enhance the collection and ensure all relevant information are available.



Acceptance criteria


  1. Create Ingredient Form Component
    • Create a React component named AddIngredientForm.
    • Include input fields for ingredient name and flavour profiles.
  2. Implement Form Validation
    • Validate that all fields (ingredient name and at least one flavour profile) are filled out before submission.
  3. Form Submission
    • Implement a function to handle form submission (handleSubmit).
    • Upon submission, package the ingredient details (name and flavour profiles) into an object.
  4. Update Ingredient List
    • Maintain a list of ingredients in the main application state (App component).
    • Implement addIngredient function in App to update the ingredient list state with the new ingredient object received from the form submission.
NikRoe commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Team,

nice start!

When creating these first user stories, you should use the given Acceptance Criteria // Value Proposition as the basis and only change them where it's necessary. Your main focus should be the Wireframe and the Tasks.

Please make use of what is already given, as it will make writing your User Stories a lot more conventient.

I like the wireframe as well as your tasks, but it would make sense to use the given Acceptance Criteria. Please do so. And if you need to update your Wireframe to match the most extensive AC, please do so as well.

After having done so, you can repost the US.

Cheers ✌️