ndrbn0 / Flavion

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Display Ingredient Details with Flavour Pairing Suggestions #3

Open ndrbn0 opened 1 week ago

ndrbn0 commented 1 week ago

Ingredient Details with Flavour Pairing

As a user, I want to view detailed information about an ingredient, including its flavour profiles and suggested flavour pairings, so that I can better understand its culinary uses.



Acceptance criteria


  1. Create IngredientDetails Component
    • Import necessary React components and utilities.
    • Develop a React component named IngredientDetails.
  2. Integrate Ingredient Data
    • Modify the parent component (e.g., App) to pass ingredient data as props to IngredientDetails.
    • Ensure proper data formatting and validation before passing to the component.
  3. Display Ingredient Name
    • Display the ingredient's name prominently at the top of the details section.
  4. Implement Flavour Pairing Suggestions
    • Display at least three flavour pairing suggestions based on the ingredient's flavour profiles.
    • Map over the suggestedPairings array received as a prop.
    • For each pairing, display the paired ingredient (ingredient) and a brief rationale (reason) for its compatibility.
NikRoe commented 1 week ago

Hi there,

nicely done and approved ✅