ndunand / moodle-filter_html5avtomp4

Moodle HTML5 audio/video to MP4 filter
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 8 forks source link

Recordings not Converting #6

Open alihastie opened 3 years ago

alihastie commented 3 years ago


We have installed the plugin on Moodle 3.8 version and the current and new recordings through atto_recordrtc have not converted to MP4 sources for HTML5

We have setup the path to ffmpeg correctly, and kept with the convert audio and video settings as is.

We also have scheduling set to run every minute within Moodle for the plugin.

ndunand commented 3 years ago


First, please make sure the plugin is actually enabled.

Then, you go into Moodle administration > Server > Tasks > Scheduled tasks, look for "filter_html5avtomp4", there should be a task definition here with a "Run now" (tiny) link. Try running it manually and please post the results here.

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the prompt reply.

The plugin has been enabled on the Filters settings, and within the course areas.

We do not see a "Run now" link within schedules tasks.


We also have the plugin on another Moodle 3.8 installation, with the exact same settings and we can see the audio/video players on an iPhone, but they don't play:



ndunand commented 3 years ago

Ah, alright apparently the "Run Now" option has to be set up: https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/Scheduled_tasks#Running_individual_tasks .

iPhone player visible but don't play is probably because the audio or video has not been converted to an iOS-compatible format.

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the heads up on Run now.

Ran schedule task on original Moodle instance and received this:

Execute scheduled task: Process reencoding non-MP4 files (filter_html5avtomp4\task\processjobs_task) found 0 jobs ... used 1 dbqueries ... used 0.0072319507598877 seconds Scheduled task complete: Process reencoding non-MP4 files (filter_html5avtomp4\task\processjobs_task)

Still does not convert through using Safari on iPhone.

ndunand commented 3 years ago


Could you then:

  1. deactivate the task
  2. add a video using atto_recordrtc from Chrome
  3. run the task manually

This was ensures there actually is something to convert within the task.

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Followed the steps above, though 'disabled' task and to enable to run the task manually:

Execute scheduled task: Process reencoding non-MP4 files (filter_html5avtomp4\task\processjobs_task) ... started 11:16:10. Current memory use 41.8MB. found 0 jobs ... used 1 dbqueries ... used 0.00059700012207031 seconds Scheduled task complete: Process reencoding non-MP4 files (filter_html5avtomp4\task\processjobs_task)

ndunand commented 3 years ago

Strange ... how is the plugin configured exactly ?

alihastie commented 3 years ago


ndunand commented 3 years ago

Do you have any rows in the mdl_filter_html5avtomp4_jobs DB table, and does this number increase after you add a video?

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Our Moodle installation is externally hosted. I could raise a support ticket to find out more information?

ndunand commented 3 years ago

Yes that would help. I just tested again on both Moodle 3.7 and 3.9 with no issues as I have no 3.8 at hand, just to make sure. It should work on 3.8 as well.

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Our hosting company has checked the rows in the database and stated there are no entries. His comment: 'I've tested the record and DB insert, but there does not seem to be any inserts showing within the database table when I create a video.'


barry-matthias commented 3 years ago

we have also found this issue as a bug the db table mdl_filter_html5avtomp4_jobs has entries present all with the status of 2 (no idea what that means) at the time we checked the filters local lib and found status 2 means its completed the conversion so we are now checking if this has actually happened from the user point of view

Danie commented 3 years ago

I've testet the plugin on 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 - it works on all installations without any trouble if the following is considered:

The filter HTML5 audio/video to MP4 filter should be placed at least before filters Convert URLs into links and images and Multimedia plugins (see attached file). If the HTML5 audio/video to MP4 filter is behind these two filters, then both the on-the-fly audio conversion and the video conversion via cron job will not work.


ndunand commented 3 years ago

Well spotted @Danie !

Indeed the filter order has an impact, as e.g. this filter expects the test (html) to be formed a certain way, so of course if the text has been changed by another filter upstream this filter can then not do its job as expected.

@alihastie could this resolve your issue?

alihastie commented 3 years ago

We have adjusted the Filter options as the same as Danie has in the screenshot above.

Though, the players (audio and video) do display on an iPhone for example which is progress, they will not play. And, as you can see the timer for the video below, it displays 00.00, audio displays 0.00 IMG_1805

Danie commented 3 years ago

Do you have run the moodle-cronjob (/usr/bin/php /path/to/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php)?

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Our cronjob runs every 5 minutes, we are unable to run the cron through the Browser.

Just ran HTML5 scheduled task, which displayed this:

Process reencoding non-MP4 files Execute scheduled task: Process reencoding non-MP4 files (filter_html5avtomp4\task\processjobs_task) found 0 jobs ... used 1 dbqueries ... used 0.012264966964722 seconds Scheduled task complete: Process reencoding non-MP4 files (filter_html5avtomp4\task\processjobs_task)

ndunand commented 3 years ago

@alihastie just to rule this possibility out, could you try to just disable all other filters on this specifig Moodle page?

Danie commented 3 years ago

@alihastie give the filter a place on top of the filter list.

alihastie commented 3 years ago

Disabled all filters,and placed the filter at the top of the list which still displays the players, and still set to 0.00 and won'y play.

ndunand commented 3 years ago

Strange ... is there any way you could give me access to a page showing this issue? Failing that, at least post an image of the browser dev tools showing the exact contents of the <video> tag?

alihastie commented 3 years ago


ndunand commented 3 years ago

@alihastie sorry for letting this wait for so long. By any chance, does the updated version of the plugin solve this issue ? If not, could you post the contents of the <video> tag (as you did in the screenshot above, but with the video tag unfolded)?